
Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Kittens and Crows!

I'm so excited! 

On Sunday we were surprised to find two new kittens on our back porch with their feral mom. Posting a video I captured of them. She may have more, but for now she has brought these two. They look about 6-7 weeks old.

(Remember to click on the small square on the right to enlarge video)

And that same evening (about 5 pm) we had about six crows picking up the peanuts and bread we put out for them on the front lawn. I couldn't get a good pic of them without scaring them off... but I got a few through the front room window. Tom and Jerry (our fake crows) did their job well!

This is just a short post as I needed to share these exciting events with you (I know, not so exciting to all of you - as several have mentioned "Why attract crows?") But as those of you know who follow my blog, I have a undeniable love for all critters. Some seem to fascinate me more than others (cats and crows for instance), but all need nurturing. 

Crows are smart. They learn fast. And I think they send out scouts. The funny thing is that each time they have come by - a skinny little squirrel comes with them and feeds among them... and leaves as soon as they leave (a curiousity).

Also yesterday evening DH was in the laundry room and I was in the kitchen when a crow started cawing so loud that we both jumped and said, "what in the world?" It sounded like he/she was right there in the house. We looked into the backyard, but didn't see anything. But still wonder what that was about.

Closing with a pic of some blueberry mini-muffins I made this week. They are gluten free mix by Krusteaz and very good!

Have a great week! 

Just saw this and thought I'd add it here:

...just 4 years?

Hugs (virtual),


Friday, October 11, 2024

a non-productive week...

It's been a non-productive week. Started off fine on Monday and DH and I walked at the mall to get a little exercise and pick up some 'coffee scented' candles that were on sale at the Bath & Body shop. We even stopped for coffee and hot chocolate at Eataly's while there. 

And Tuesday we headed out to Central Market to get our weekly groceries... all was fine. But by Tuesday afternoon while I was in the middle of making some home-made nutty granola to send to our granddaughter, I suddenly felt very tired. I finished the granola and then went to lie down. Told DH that I wasn't feeling very well... 

and that has continued through Wednesday and Thursday. My stomach has been queasy, so I haven't eaten much... just some toast and chicken soup here and there. Today I do feel a bit better. Don't know what causes these little setbacks... a bug? my mild IBS issue (haven't had an episode in a long time), or just old age? 

Anyway, since I'm feeling better, I'm trying today to make up for my days of doing nothing by getting to a bit of cleaning. Dusted the bedroom, mopped the kitchen, and will do a load of wash... that may be it (not a lot, but better than nothing).  

something to think about...

For those of you who are following my "crow attraction" plan - we've had a few crows stop by on several days... I saw them once, DH saw them twice. Yesterday as he was driving up to the house, he said there were 2 on the front lawn. He tried to phone me to look out the window, but the car scared them and they flew off. But hey, I'm happy some are getting the idea.

As for my sketching, I tried to do some yesterday, but apparently the muse has left me as I couldn't get into it (perhaps he/she isn't feeling well either).

Closing with a few memes: (Forgive me if they're ones I've sent before... hard to keep track)

and just a few of our feral cats:



...and they do know. I sit outside in the back sometimes and one of them may be laying in the bushes about 3 feet away. I talk to her and she lays there and listens. Today I told her that I'd leave a treat out there and if she wants it, to come and get it after I leave. I left. As soon as I closed the French doors, she waited for a minute (thinking it over I guess) then came and got it. 

OK, enough for today. Hope you all have a great weekend! Fall is here!  Although we haven't gotten too much cooler yet - but early in the morning, you can feel it in the air.

Hugs (virtual),


Can't close without mentioning the awful hurricanes (Helene and Milton) and how much damage and loss of life they have caused. I believe in climate change and know that the climate will change with or without our doing anything. But like so many things, if we can do anything to help... why not try?

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Just a few Saturday morning thoughts...

This made me laugh... as my daughter always asks us about our plans for the weekend.  I don't really 'hate it'... just find it funny.  Actually I love that she's concerned. We seldom have plans for the weekend - whereas as much as she probably needs the rest (busy stressful job), she usually does have plans. 

Actually they had a major occurrence this past week that shook them up rather badly. They lost their 13 year old Great Dane, Moose. He was a sweetheart and really had become an integral part of the family. Even though they knew it might be coming because of his age, the fact that there were no signs and he passed in his sleep during the night was a shock. Moose had wormed his way into all of our hearts and we will miss him.

On a brighter note, Halloween is now just around the corner... and Thanksgiving. I saw this pumpkin runner on Facebook and thought it was really nice. Love the blue colors in it. Would go well in my front room. But when I checked the reviews for the company, they weren't good. Sad. I would try to make it myself, but would never get it done in time... plus I'm not that great a quilter.

OK, I have been sketching. My 2 latest sketches:

cat in tree


crow and moon

May do a few more sketches before 'trying' to watercolor them...

Also visited a friend this week that has had a difficult time for the last few years. Happy to say that she is really looking good and feeling much better. She's also an avid reader and supplier of many of my books. This week she loaned me 5 new ones (so excited to have plenty to read). I already took home 3 from the Senior Center and so far, have liked the ones I started (The Echo of Old Books and The Painter's Daughters).

Have to post this picture of what it's like to try to read when you have inside cats (which we don't anymore but do remember).

Also a big fan of Maggie Smith who passed away recently. Found an old movie of hers on Tubi (Keeping Mum). In it she is a serial killer - can you believe? It's a comedy (I guess), but kind of a dark one. Strange, but oddly entertaining...

And I've posted this before, but it could use repeating...

My posts are not inspiring or enlightening, just a way to share a bit of my life with others. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to do this.

Hugs (virtual),


Tuesday, October 1, 2024

October 1, 2024 Rabbit! Rabbit! White Rabbit!

Rabbit! Rabbit! White Rabbit!

OK, everyone! It's October 1st! Can you believe it?

Time for:
Rabbit! Rabbit! White Rabbit!

Also... just FYI

We actually got our first crow stop by this past week. A whole murder of crows flew over cawing one afternoon - and one lone bird flew down and landed close to our fake crow - and actually picked up  a peanut before flying off! I was so excited. At least now they know we put treats out for them. Hopefully they will return... 

On another note, one of our feral cats (a young one - the one that's fascinated with the box turtles) does find our fake crows interesting. She tends to knock them about on occasion... once taking one off with her to another spot. I have to tell her to quit beating up on Tom and Jerry (our fake crows names). Tom has already lost one of his wing feathers.

That's it! Happy 1st of October!!

Hugs (virtual),

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Crows, Books, and other trivial things...


fake crows  - hoping to attract real ones

I put out peanuts in the shell as well as apple peelings every day. Something is eating them... probably squirrels. But I'm hoping to attract some of the crows I see in the area to our yard. 

I mentioned books since they play a large part in my life... always have. I read 2-3 books a week... and am at a loss when I run out. Thank goodness for Kindle on my iPhone. It's my 'go to' when I run out of the real thing. 

Right now I have 4 - all picked up at the Senior Center. The one I'm reading at the moment is "The Echo of Old Books" and it's good. The other 3 are: "Good Grief", "The Rhythm Section", and "The Painter's Daughters"... all look good, but won't know till I get into those pages.

I find books very subjective. I want a good story... but nothing horrific or depressing. It's true that some do have hard times, but as long as that is not the main theme of the story, I can handle it. Guess I tend to like ones that have a little humor and mystery... the mystery can be crime related, or science, or family - as long as the characters are likable and believable.

Some books on the best sellers list or even those recommended by Oprah aren't my type of read. And I do read almost anything... but mostly fiction. My type of book is one I can't wait to get back to. So, yes, very subjective. 

My own 2 self-published books "Time After Time" and "Carrick Cove" are like this in that they're simply a good story about good people. Add in a little mystery, a bookstore, and good food... and that's all I need. Not everyone's taste, I'm sure. But that's OK. I enjoyed writing them and am over the moon that many have enjoyed reading them.

Now for other trivial things: 

Still playing around with sketching and water-coloring - no great progress there. 

Still playing around with Nintendo Switch's Animal Crossing with my youngest granddaughter. That game can go on forever... keep learning new things it can do. 

She also recently introduced me to another video game called Little Kitty Big City which is fascinating... not only the simple game theme which is to get the little black cat who has fallen from his high apartment window back up there - but the technology involved and how it works. Maybe just being a Baby Boomer (1945) makes me appreciate the intricacies involved in these games.  

Watched some good movies and series lately (and some not so good). The Perfect Couple (Prime) was a good series. The King's Daughter (Prime) was a good movie. Neither was spectacular... but enjoyable - again - subjective. One of my old favorite movies that I recently watched again was "Dragonfly" (Prime).

We also listened to a talk (one at the Senior Center and one on TV) about AI - another fascinating and controversial subject. 

And for something 'not so trivial'... the November Presidential Election. 

Boy, does my gut instinct play a part in this...

And here is where I land:

Life goes on... (at least we hope it does - or will)



Sunday, September 15, 2024

Sunday thoughts...

this made me laugh...

Still trying to attract crows to our yard... no luck so far... but we did have one in the tree next door and one walking on our front lawn a day or so ago.  I put out some apple trimmings and some peanuts to see if they might notice. Not sure if they did. Have continued to put these out the last few days. Sometimes it looks like something ate them, but haven't seen any activity. They say crows are smart, so if I continue to do this, maybe they'll notice?? Anyway, that's the plan.

My oldest granddaughter's Bernese Mountain Dog is growing up. He no longer looks like a cute fat puppy but a taller thinner lanky pup. He's lost a lot of his baby fur... but still adorable.

As you can see, I don't have a lot to talk about this morning. I'm getting ready to make oven fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and peas (or spinach souffle?) for dinner this evening. I made Chicken Tetrazzini earlier this week and froze some to take to my friend's house later (along with some stuffed peppers DH made). She's had some serious problems this past year and has trouble getting around and cooking.


And just a FYI for any of you out there Gluten Free... I found some really good frozen baked products. They're made by Cappello's and are delicious. They make Brown Butter Sugar Cookies, Chocolate Chip Cookies, and great Biscuits!

They come frozen and have to cook 15-20 minutes, but are so-oo good! (not cheap though... a bag cost about $8)

Guess this is my 2 cents worth for today...

except I might add that I was impressed with the Kamala at the debate. IMO Kamala did great... and is certainly our choice for President. 

As for the 'other choice', IMO firing people who are suppose to advise you (it's not a dictatorship), when they don't agree with you is not the way it's suppose to work. Yelling the election, debate, courts, etc. are 'rigged' every time one loses is childish. And  how people can actually want this person to run our country and have control over nuclear weapons is difficult for me to understand. But I do believe in democracy and I will accept the outcome of the vote in November. It just worries me that many may not. Are we prepared for this?

Sorry about that. Didn't plan to say anything political... usually avoid that. But this post is my Sunday thoughts... so feel free to ignore my ramblings.

Hugs (virtual),


Saturday, September 7, 2024

Feeling nostalgic...


This morning I was cleaning some dishes and was reminiscing over a mixing bowl that I had just used to make pancakes.  It was given to me by a dear friend that passed on several years ago. I still think of her every time I use it... and several other things she had given me over the years. Nothing big... all little necessary kitchen items like a cookie spatula, cooling rack, etc.  We also used to walk once a week over in the park and I'd bring coffee or tea in a thermos and she's bring graham crackers. It's funny how you miss those little every day things. 

I also have several other things that friends have given me that I use a lot... and make me think of them (although they are still with us thank goodness). And of course there are the things that belonged to my mom or a family member that also hold 'special memories'.  The thing is... they aren't anything big or expensive... but the memories are priceless.

Our oldest son and his wife just left this morning after spending a week here visiting. They live in Texas too, but are about 8 hours away so we don't get to see them often. Perhaps this is the reason for my nostalgia? It was great spending time with them.

Their 2 Doodles in Son's Car

Oh, we did have one exciting incident happen while they were here. We were in the Mall and had stopped at Eataly's to order pizza to take home.  While waiting, the Mall Fire Alarm went off and the loud speaker said for everyone to quickly find their way to the nearest exit. Well... we had paid for the pizzas and weren't about to leave without them, so we just stood there... looking around at everyone else. Many that were sitting there eating didn't leave (some did). We could see people in the main area walkways leaving, but while we stood there, I was thinking "I don't even know where the nearest exit is..." Anyway, after 2 Fire Alarm announcements in about 5 minutes, they said, "False Alarm"... so luckily, no problem.

Today, being Saturday and no more company for a bit (at least not until Thanksgiving probably), we are winding down. DH is stuffing peppers today and I'm catching up on water-coloring my sketches.  We've basically had company all summer... and loved it... but it's kept us busier than our normal laid back routine. And with Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas around the corner... we could use some 'down time'.

Here's a picture of some of my newly water-colored sketches. These came out OK... for the most part... since I've had no instruction in water-coloring... but love playing around with it.


The one I'm working on now (ruining probably) is the dog with the frog on his nose (having a bit of trouble with that one - but haven't given up yet). 


Oh well, enough of that... I'm finding that you have to let each layer dry before adding another color... so it takes days for me to see if I like the effect. If anyone is good at water-coloring out there, I'm up for any advice.

Going to close this now and go make a cup of tea. Irish Breakfast Tea is my favorite. Hope you all have a lovely weekend. It's a tiny bit cooler this morning here (hurray!). 

Hugs (virtual),


great pic!