I've been thinking lately about 'stories' we could tell... things we remember from our past that for whatever reason stayed with us as time went on... little things, not necessarily big things. We've all heard the saying that 'everyone has a story'. And of course we do... some more interesting than others. Mine is passable.
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old college pic |
I didn't go to college planning to be a Veterinarian. But I loved animals and when the head of the Animal Science Department came and spoke to our class, I knew then what I wanted to do.
Didn't happen... although I got close. Life happened.
I was one of 3 girls in Animal Science at the time (1964). Back then, it was considered a man's field. But it was fascinating and I loved it. However, it did have it's moments.
One was when we were being taught to castrate cattle. We were divided into groups and the guys thought it funny to hand me the knife when the instructor gave each group a knife. I remember looking at them and thinking, 'they don't think I can do it'. So I did it easily (and did a better job of it - neater - than some of them).
Then there was Slaughter class where we were taught how to slay farm animals and then cut the meat into the retail cuts. It was the one course that I dreaded. Anyway, the same thing happened in that class. The guys thought it funny to hand me the knife that had already been given to another boy. I refused. There was no way I was going to use that knife on an animal (which by the way was a hog). Didn't matter to me if I failed the course, it wasn't going to happen. And it didn't. I said, "He gave the knife to you... not me" and handed it over.
We were also expected to work with both a steer and a horse (in Large Animal class) - get them ready to show. For a city girl like myself who had never been around cattle or done more than ride at a local stables, this was an experience. The steer I had was a black Angus. He was very temperamental... kicked a lot! By show time, my legs were full of bruises. But the Quarter Horse filly I showed was a sweetheart...
Here are a few pics:
I did graduate with a BS in Animal Science. LSUBR didn't have a Vet School back then. They do now. DH was in Engineering and we married 2 days before my graduation (did go back for graduation - really short honeymoon). He had one semester left, so we stayed in the married student apartments for that semester. But... 6 weeks after our wedding I found out I was pregnant with our first, 9 months after that, our second. So Vet School became out of the question.
After our 3rd, our local Veterinarian recommended I go for an Animal Medical Tech degree (2 yr Associate degree) that was being offered at a local community college. He said that at least this way I could 'work in the field'. So, I did (youngest was in pre-school by then). After that I worked with Veterinarians for 15 plus years - most of that with a feline specialty practice.
Anyway, in short, that's my story - for what it's worth. What's yours?
Hugs (virtual),