Seems like some areas were hit hard, others barely hit. The pictures look awful along the coast, but these were probably the hardest hit. They will definitely need help and prayers to get through the next few weeks or months.
My daughter told me a strange story this morning. She said that they were preparing for the hurricane Friday evening (getting the dogs inside, making sure the chickens and horses were Ok, etc.) and she was on the phone when their cat 'Cocoa' (who is brother to our cats, Tux and Julie) suddenly started howling loudly in the doorway. Then he ran at her, grabbed her leg, and bit her. She dropped the phone and pushed him away. (He is usually a very sweet calm cat - same age as our cats - 14) He ran off and then came back and did the same thing. It was like he was freaked by something. Later he was fine... acting perfectly normal. I told her that animals sometimes sense things... and apparently the incoming storm was responsible? I don't know. Possibly the eclipse and the storm affected him???
(Cocoa is the white 'siamese looking' kitten in the pictures on the right sideline of this blog. My grand daughter is holding him... but this is an old pic -14 years ago)
Anyway, to get off that subject and onto another: I made a new recipe for buttermilk biscuits this morning. DH has been after me to try it. He loves biscuits. So I did... and it was a keeper. I'm posting a picture of the magazine it came from, the biscuit pic in the magazine, and the recipe for any who might want to try it. I don't think it's an unusual biscuit recipe, but I don't make biscuits often, so am happy to find one we like.
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magazine recipe came from... |
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picture of the buttermilk biscuits |
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might have to enlarge to read |
I will say that I halved this recipe since I was only cooking for DH and myself. It still made about 7 medium sized biscuits.
And the Fall semester pottery classes resumed this week. It was good to be back. After a whole summer of not working with clay, I wondered if my muscle memory would work when I got back on the pottery wheel. Luckily it did. Now next week is Labor Day weekend and the campus will be closed... so I hope to get a few days in the studio later on this week to finish what I started yesterday.
Have a good week... stay safe, and please keep those who were affected by Hurricane Harvey in your thoughts and prayers.