When our daughter drove in last weekend, she brought some bars of dark chocolate with her (bless her... we love dark chocolate). This is a picture of one of the bars:
And I have to say that this is really good dark chocolate. It's 70% and that's about the highest percentage I enjoy. Once you get past that, it can be a bit too bitter for me. But this one has a good buttery taste and although slightly bitter for those who might not like to go there, I think it's pretty great. Just thought I'd share. The bars are a little expensive (somewhere between $12 and $20 each - but then it's not the type of bar that you would eat right off... just take a small piece every day or so).
I guess I think of really good dark chocolate like really good coffee or even good whiskey... in that you don't eat or drink it right down, but savor it.
Some pics of the kittens sleeping. Three are in the basket and the one little Siamese looking one is sleeping under the birdcage.

She is an awesome mama... watches over them constantly while they play, still nurses them although they do eat from the outside bowls, and cleans them while nursing.
My back is still giving me trouble. It's not something I can't deal with - as I do think it's my Spinal Arthritis - which is going to act up occasionally. However, it's going on 2 weeks now. One day it seems better, then it comes back. So I have made an appointment with my Spinal Specialist next week to see if he has anything else he can tell me.
Planning on making a blueberry/strawberry custard pie this afternoon. Will post a pic when done!