
Saturday, February 8, 2025

the week in review...

It's only Thursday and I'm starting my 'several days post' today. Making Chicken Tetrazzini and a green salad tonight along with some dark chocolate peanut butter brownies. Some weeks just need a 'pick me up' to help them along. 

DH and I met with my Oncologist Tuesday. He explained what he thought we should do and why. Basically he thinks it may be best to hold off on the biopsy for a few months and 'wait and watch' with another cat scan in April (to determine any changes). This decision is partially because the pet scan doesn't identify the nodules specifically as cancer... could be scarring or inflammation in the lung from previous radiation. And he mentioned the fact that his needle tech (is there a name for the tech that does the actual biopsy?) who is apparently very good at what he does, says the location of the nodule makes the needle biopsy difficult (blood vessels could be nicked, etc.). So, we are OK with waiting. I know an immediate biopsy would answer the question, but risky as it may be to wait, at my age I don't want to 'poke the bear'... 

Now for lighter news. We spent part of last week at Grandparents' Day at youngest granddaughter's school. That's always a hoot! They start out with Mass and breakfast and then everyone goes to the classrooms and play games, etc.  We don't do the Mass and breakfast, but get there in time for the classroom games with granddaughter. The big gatherings for breakfast with all the grandparents together  (the whole school) during flu season is not our idea of a smart idea.  But the classrooms only have about 15 students, and you sit at a table with your grandchild... so that is more acceptable (and we wear our masks). This time we did a science scavenger hunt in one classroom and a "Are you smarter than a 5th grader?" game in another. It was fun. After, we signed her out to spend the day with us.

We also had brunch out with some dear friends last week at a local restaurant called "Brunch Time". They recently moved to a Senior Living Community and are still getting used to this new arrangement. Apparently all is going well. They say the food is great (and since we ate dinner there with them a few weeks back, we can agree. I had filet mignon and it was delicious!). They play bridge... and I think they said that they also joined a choir. I'm really glad its working out for them. Personally, I like my house and neighborhood... and I'm not sure the Senior Community thing would work for us. We're not really 'joiners'... and the activities that interest us (like sketching, painting, writing, reading, feeding ferals, ship building, etc.) are more solidary endeavors.  But who knows... things change.

OK, now it's Friday... and I'm still posting. Finished reading "A Gentleman in Moscow" (Supposed to be streaming also on Paramount +... but haven't seen it yet.)


 my stack of books in front room

I've already finished these... (need more books!)

And I'm going to share my plants with you, the large one is a Fiddle Fig and it's growing like a weed. And the smaller ones are under our new grow light and are doing well. My Thanksgiving cactus finally decided to bloom!

Now it's Saturday and I don't have any more to add. Well, how about a few pics of around our house? I always like to see pics of my fellow bloggers surroundings... 

this used to be dining room... now, 'anything' room

front room - just started putting a little Easter out

OK... you should be ready to move on...  Wishing you a wonderful weekend. It's actually 74 F and sunny here today!

Hugs (virtual),


Saturday, February 1, 2025

Rabbit! Rabbit! White Rabbit! Feb. 1, 2025

Rabbit! Rabbit! White Rabbit!

Feb. 1, 2025... already! The year is starting it's fly by.

Nothing much to say today, but I came across this old Coke ad this morning and thought how much we all needed this:

Hugs (virtual), 


Saturday, January 25, 2025

Snow in New Orleans... unbelievable! (and an update)

The Cathedral in Jackson Square


Jackson Square with Snow!

This probably won't mean much to many of you... but for someone being born and raised in New Orleans, this is unheard of. Yes, we got a little snow once maybe in my lifetime there... but never like this! Supposedly they had 10-12 inches!  Hurricanes yes! Snow no!

Anyway, I loved these pics. Got many more from family and friends there, but liked these best, so thought I'd share.

Now for my 'update'. First of all, I will say that it isn't easy to share personal info - perhaps it's the English in me. But even though I wouldn't put any of this on Facebook (and may be deleting that social media soon- but hesitant as although I don't post on it much, I get pictures of family and friends that I wouldn't otherwise see), I do feel Ok posting on my blog - that I think only a small hand-full of people read.

Anyway, I did see and talk with my Oncologist this week. It's not the same one I had for my BC (he retired years ago). But I did like this man. He was quiet, laid back, and we 'talked' for a bit. I brought with me a list of questions. He answered them all well, and asked me a million questions too. He has my old records, and the report from the pet scan. From what he knew at the time, since I've never smoked and don't drink, he didn't 'think' it would be lung cancer... possibly my BC metastasized to the lung, but no way to really know without a 'biopsy'. 

I explained my thoughts... 'why at almost 80, do anything? Why poke the bear and wake up something that's probably been there for years?' He understood, but asked me "if it did turn out to be cancer (and it might not be... could be inflammation or scarring), how would I feel about knowing it was there and not doing anything? Told him I guess I won't know until I'm at that point.

So... after talking a bit and talking to DH, he said that he would like to look at the CD of the pet scan himself (he only had the report from the radiologist), and go over my past records,  and we will talk again in 2 weeks. This sounded fine with me.

Then... the very next day he calls me himself and says that he got hold of the CD and thinks that it may be fine to just wait and watch for a while... if this was OK with me. It is! So, we will meet again in 2 weeks and talk to set up a schedule. I will have another list of questions ready - of course (Beware the woman with a list!).

Update done! Probably TMI... but it is what it is. I don't mind sharing this with my 'family of bloggers' as I've learned that sometimes you'all have info that could be pertinent to the situation... and that's a good thing (and could add to my questions).

So, I guess this is it for today. I'm writing this on Friday, but won't post it until Saturday in case I come up with more to talk about.

Hm-mm, I did want to post this. As most of you know, I don't watch the news anymore... but do hear about what's going on from DH, kids, Facebook, and internet (and I do know that some don't agree with this backing off). But I handle things this way because it helps keep me sane and my bp and anxiety down for now. I'm not sticking my head in the sand. Anyway, I came across this and thought it kind of says how I feel, so thought I'd post it.

Have a wonderful safe warm weekend!  And thanks so much for reading...

Hugs (virtual),


Saturday, January 18, 2025

All's well that ends well... so far anyway

I don't have a lot to post here... been 'out of sorts' lately with health issues that required meds. First meds didn't work, and Wednesday doctor called in new meds. So far they seem to be working as I'm out of bed and feeling almost normal again. 

The 3 doctor appointments I had last week (Oncologist, Dentist, and Eye Dr) had to be cancelled and need to be rescheduled. Hopefully  I will get those done before the end of January.

But I wanted to say that I ended up last Sunday at an Urgent Care run by Texas Health - which I've used once before when I came down with Covid last July (on the weekend - like this time - when no doctor offices are open). I have to say that I have nothing but praises for these people. They are kind, and caring, professional, and efficient (very little to no waiting). The place itself is modern, well-staffed, and especially clean - and they're open 8am to 8pm 7 days a week.

So, needless to say, Christmas has still not been taken down. It was scheduled for this week... but hey... (DH did take down the tree). He and my grandson took good care of me as they did the cooking and cleaning all week. I truly wonder what people who live alone do when they're sick... guess they manage somehow, but it must really be difficult.

Anyway... since I spent a lot of time in bed... I found some cute things on Facebook and Amazon that I will post here. I was looking for a gift for a good friend who's birthday is coming up. I found this on Amazon... it's something I have and use a lot, so I thought she might like it.

They are easy to use and make your fried eggs perfectly round... which is great for BELT sandwiches (Bacon, Egg, Lettuce, Tomato).



Anyway, I kind of liked these 3, but will keep looking.

Then I did see these 2 things that aren't something I need, but thought they would be extremely useful for those who no longer have an ironing board, but may need to do a 'touch up' on occasion.

ironing pad for your washer 

and this...

This would be great for those who actually walk to their grocery to shop... or maybe it would be good just getting your groceries from the car to the house.

and this may be my new front door mat (old one is getting a big scraggly)

and last but not least (if you're still with me ) 2 memes I liked: 


Have a good weekend! And thanks for staying this far (didn't plan to post this much).

Hugs (virtual),


Saturday, January 11, 2025

We have snow!

We have snow! Not a lot... but continuous. I imagine if it stays like this all day, we'll have some pretty pictures. At the moment, it's only 10 am and I'm still in pj's and not about to venture outside. 

I know our snow is nothing compared to those further up north. Ours is just pretty and a chance to stay home... (schools closed, appointments cancelled, etc.) for a day or two. It'll all clear up in 24-48 hours. 

Started this Thursday morning. It's now Friday and even though it's snowing off and on... very lightly, I think it's over. We have coverage... maybe 1-2 inches, but not as much as expected. I will post my friend's video (which she took yesterday at her place - about 30 minutes north of us).

The birds were out in force looking for food and taking their bits from the cat food out back. We also threw out peanuts and bread - which the Blue jays and Crows quickly took away.

Here's the video I promised: (and remember to first click on the arrow and then click on the far right square to get it to enlarge... much prettier that way) (Then hit the Esc to get out of it) ;)

It's Saturday now and the sun is out. Our snow should be melted and gone by this evening. But it's still cold... 28 F now. 

Hope the rest of you are staying warm. I know you've probably got much colder temps and more snow... so do be careful out there. 

DH made a huge batch of his wonderful red beans and rice - perfect for these cold days... and I made some corn bread muffins to go with it. 

Hugs (virtual),


(and praying for those caught up in those horrible California fires...)

Sunday, January 5, 2025

a quick update... and a few pics

This will be just a short update on my recent MRI and Pet scan since several of you have asked me to keep you updated. The MRI showed something in my lumbar vertebrae - but it is considered benign. It was probably caused by some trauma and may be the reason for my occasional back pain, but nothing to seriously worry about. 

The Pet scan however showed some findings in my lungs that "could be malignant unless proved otherwise" (Radiologist report words).  So they are sending me back to my old Oncologist group to be checked out. To be honest, I'm not worried. As I told my PCP, I've had these nodules/fibrous tissue/scarring in my lungs for 24 years  and I've had a chronic cough for that long. They called it a Radiation cough. They kept an eye on it for a while, then stopped. Why worry about it now? 

But I will go and see what the Oncologist has to say. 

Closing this with some sayings and memes I like:


and this cute picture of knitted frogs:

That's it for now.  Apparently we're in for some cold weather... be careful out there, stay warm, and remember to check for those little critters that may be trying to keep warm inside your car engine.

... and big critters too?

Hugs (virtual),


Wednesday, January 1, 2025

January 1, 2025 Rabbit! Rabbit! White Rabbit! Happy New Year!

Rabbit! Rabbit! White Rabbit!

Happy New Year 2025 Everyone!

Hugs (virtual),

Wishing you all... and the world... a happy healthy hopeful 2025!