Cold, damp, and raining again. I was taken by surprise by the temperature when I went outside this morning to go to class. It was COLD! And yesterday had been in the high 70's. I knew it was suppose to rain and the temp would drop, but I didn't expect this. Had to return inside for a scarf, coat, and umbrella.
Our 'outside cats' which are mostly ferals and neighborhood strays stay close to our back porch on cold rainy days. The porch is covered and provides protection from the rain, and there are baskets with hay and chairs with blankets... as well as food and water. On really cold days we have hanging heat lamps. And on hot summer days, there is a ceiling fan and child's plastic swimming pool. Several generations of strays have grown up here. One of these is Bootsie. She's a little black and white DSH that we've tried to catch and spay for a few years now. She is sweet, but
smart and although she spends a lot of time around us, will not let us
too close. Here's a picture of her up in a tree over the bird feeder. And the other picture is one of her with her daughter, Socks. Now Socks is a lot friendlier than Bootsie. She may eventually let us close enough. We're
trying. She will play with a toy through the kitchen door and runs to it when she sees us. but so far... no touching. However, time will tell.
This bottom pic is of a SiameseTom that comes around a lot. We call him 'Sam'. He doesn't stay... eats, causes havoc, then leaves until it's time to eat again. He has beautiful blue eyes (
had to red-eye out them). We believe he actually lives somewhere close by... and just comes visiting because although we don't pet him, he doesn't seem to be afraid of people.
And here's a photo of our inside black and white siblings, Jack and Tux as they squeeze their fat selves into a Christmas basket. (Tux has white face, Jack has black nose)
And news is that Jack is still
not his ol' self. He hasn't eaten in the last 2 days and is laying quietly in his box. When we pet him and bring him water, he drinks and purrs, but his gums and ears are
very pale. We will probably bring him to the Vet's tomorrow if he continues this way. But... they have told us before that there is nothing they can do. His body is destroying his red blood cells and it's only a matter of time. However, he has always 'sprung back'... and hopefully, he will be able to do so again. There is another black and white sibling, little Julie. She is half the size of her brothers... but she is very independent. Tux and Jack have been extremely close their whole lives and I worry how Tux will do when Jack passes.
I probably should have put all this cat info on my 'Cat, Chocolate, and Coffee' blog. Oh well, too late.