
Friday, April 17, 2015

just stuff...

St. Augustine lawn... 
The new lawn is doing pretty well as it's been raining quite a bit since we put it in. We hope it gets established before the real heat of summer starts taking it's toll.

pink dogwood
My friend took this picture of her dogwood blooms on her property in Anna, TX...

and a pic of Molly - one of our 22 year old cats.  She was climbing over my lap on the sofa on her way to my water glass on the side table. Fortunately for me and unfortunately for her it was empty. They have a flowing water fountain in the kitchen and a water bowl in both the bar and the bathroom, but prefer to sneak a drink from any available glass.  I've told them it's really bad manners to do this, but it hasn't made much of an impact.

and lastly a picture of a sign we found on the Internet that we put up by our front door. I'm not sure that it actually inhibits solicitors, but it gives some people a good laugh.

Still no pics of greenware at the studio (works in progress), but I will *try* to remember to take some tomorrow.

Have a great weekend!


  1. The lawn looks good. Your house reminds me of my step daughter's house in SC.

    1. Thanks, Olga. Hope the St. Augustine can stand the heat here in August.

  2. My Texas cousin lives in Anna. What's that business about one degree of separation!

    1. So true... it's a theory that everyone and everythng is 6 or fewer steps away... from another person in the world. That's a condensed version. What is your cousin's name. Maybe (?) my friend knows her. Anna isn't very big.

  3. Love your home, Rian. And...that darling old face. I'm sure just line 4 on your sign would have sent them running.

    1. Actually I think it's the "camera" that has more of an effect.

  4. Your lawn does look good, and I do love that picture of the dogwood. Very pretty indeed. The sign made me smile, too. :-)

    1. If it does nothing else, it does make people smile...

  5. It does... for the most part.

  6. Love your house! And the sign is hilarious.

    I have two cat fountains now and they really do seem to encourage the cats to drink, especially our old boy Julius.

    The dogwood is so pretty!


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