If you haven't noticed (and I'm sure you haven't) I haven't been commenting much these days. I do read my favorite blogs, but just haven't had much to say. The political climate is such that it's really beginning to affect people's morale - at least that's what I'm seeing.
There has got to be an answer to this negativity - but each side sees what they want to see. Truth doesn't really matter anymore. It can be spun in any direction. Winning is all... no matter the cost.
If the truth be known I believe that most of us basically want the same things... but have different ideas about how to go about it. I've never been 'into politics'... being from the South we were taught to never talk politics or religion (or finances for that matter) - at least this is what I came away with from my childhood. We always voted, but kept how we voted to ourselves. In today's political climate, I would think this is good advice. How I vote is my personal choice...
I will say that I think debate between the candidates is a good thing. And if people on the street want to debate, that's fine. What I don't condone is people thinking they have a right to push their reasons and opinions on another person who hasn't asked for their advice. And I have to wonder why some people feel that they know the facts and the other people don't. IMO, it all comes down to interpretation of the 'facts'. It's as useless as people saying, '' a fact is a fact".... or the issue is either black or white (old expression - has nothing to do with race - at least as far as I know). As I've gotten older, I've come to the conclusion that very few things are black or white.... most are grey.
Again, this is not a political post.... just has to do with the political climate. It makes me sad because in general I have always been a more or less optimistic person, but these days everyone seems so full of venom that it's hard to find the good. It's win at any cost. Is this what we've become?
Sorry if I offended anyone by this vent. But I really dislike the way things are going and am beginning to think that we're heading for real trouble if this continues to escalate.
Now... I'm going back to my sculpting! (It calms me) Here's a pic of my work space at the moment:
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I could not agree more, Rian. I try very hard to avoid politics on my blogs, but probably everyone knows my druthers anyway. I cry a lot lately, because of the current environment, and the only person who is affected is me. My exercise and yoga help a lot. Thank you for such an honest post.
ReplyDeleteI do believe your hiking and yoga help. DH and I walk, but only around the mall. Working with clay relaxes me... and of course the cats are a calming influence.
DeleteI do agree. Never have I seen so much anger in people and how quick they are to pop off. We seem to have lost kindness and civility as part of our culture. It truly is depressing.
ReplyDeleteTrue, Patti. I'm really hoping (and praying) that people will "see" whatever is happening and stop it - but I'm afraid that things will escalate further before this happens.
DeleteI've had family out of town legal problems and those on top of all the political infighting has gotten to be so much I can barely do anything, good for you to channel your energy.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Linda. All this nastiness (on both sides) can't be good for the country (or us).
DeleteI agree completely. What strikes me is how in local politics people can disagree but still be civil about it. Yet when people get on the national stage, all civility seems to go by the wayside. All I can think is that they must get some payoff for being strident, unreasonable and more-outrageously-liberal or more-outrageously-conservative than the next guy. Perhaps it's up to us to hold politicians accountable not only for what their views are, but also for how they express them and how they treat the opposition . . . because for all of us, country should be above party.
ReplyDeleteMaybe that should be the new motto... 'country above party'. Don't people (political people) realize that the meaner things get, people turn away. I certainly do.
DeleteIt sure is getting crazy, thank goodness for clay.
ReplyDeleteDear Rian, I so agree with you that there is no civility any longer when we discuss national politics. Our candidates and elected officials seem to have forgotten the art and promise of compromise. They do not listen to one another and look for that with which they could agree. And we--me included--have become so judgmental; so sure we are right and "they" are wrong. And that's the big problem: so many of us see our culture in terms of "them" and "us." Instead of "one nation." Like you, I'm finding that all this demoralizes me. Peace.