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Rabbit Rabbit! White Rabbit! |
Today is Sunday, Dec. 1, 2019 and this 'Rabbit Rabbit!' is a little late in the day. But... this tardiness is due to my inability to get around today. Apparently I've done something to my back again. Can barely walk - the spasms are so bad.
First time this happened (September) I was pretty sure what happened. This time I have no idea. Possibly could have been caused by something I did while cooking and cleaning for Thanksgiving guests and dinner. I forget that at 74 I can't do all that I used to do without consequences.
I have to admit that my back was aching a bit the last few days, but Saturday evening I realized that it had 'seized up' again. Whatever it is runs from the base of my spine almost in the middle (but a little to the left) and up all the way into my left shoulder and down my left leg.
Stayed in bed most of the day today applying heat and cold. Walked slowly around a bit with a cane to exercise and stretch a bit (was afraid I was going to either throw up or pass out doing this - also was afraid my leg would give way) and am taking Tylenol (just one in the morning and one in the evening to take the edge off).
And all 3 cats stayed in bed with me.Tux is my worrier. He stayed close, licking my hands and purring the whole time.
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my worrier |
Anyway, I'm thankful that it didn't seize up until after everyone had left for home. We had a nice Thanksgiving dinner and birthday (youngest grand daughter's 7th) Thursday. Then we all sat around the fireplace eating, drinking, and talking (watched some football too of course) while the grand kids played video games and otherwise entertained themselves. Got them to stand still for a few minutes for pictures (which was especially difficult for youngest who was being a grouch as you can see).
Everyone overnighted and Friday morning we all went out for breakfast, then took the kids with us to pick out our Christmas tree. We always get a live one (usually around 7-8 feet) and they help choose. The house smells wonderful... that Christmas tree smell!
So all in all, except for this dern back, it was a good holiday. And no matter what, I'm grateful to be here to spend it with family and friends (and to share it with those of you I consider my blogging friends).
I sincerely hope your Thanksgiving was good too. Sending you wishes for a happy, healthy, safe holiday season!
PS: DH has been wonderful... bringing me my meds, cooking for us, and taking care of things that need doing. Obviously I'm thankful for him too.
oh my goodness so sorry about your back, I sleep on my side with a flat pillow between my legs up to just above my knees and that seems to help me. Sounds like sciatica, not sure about what to do about that, I had it once and it went away on it's on after several excruciating days; hope you recover soon. so glad you have the cats to cuddle you
ReplyDeleteI've tried the pillow thing... sometimes helps. Tried laying on my sides, back, sitting up, etc. Nothing works for long. But it's the 3rd day and although still spasming on occasion seems a mite better. Walking hurts but I think helps. Cats cuddling helps too.
DeleteSounds like a perfect Thanksgiving at your house...except for the back. I'm so sorry. Kinda gave me a chill reading about it. I wake up every morning hoping the steroid injection in my back lasts a while longer. Bet your Christmas tree is beautiful. I would love to have a live tree this year. Glad you have a good husband and Tux taking care of you. That's enough to help you get well sooner. Love, Henny
ReplyDeleteHenny, it was a good Thanksgiving, despite the back. And the tree is beautiful... and fat! I will post a pic at a later date. And yes, DH and the cats are doing a good job.
DeleteI had back spasms from raking leaves followed by vacuuming and spot cleaning the floor. Have you tried any kind of Robaxicet at all? I use ibuprofen (anti-inflammatory) and that which is a mild muscle relaxant. I do hope it fades soon for you. Back pain is quite literally a pain! -Jenn
ReplyDeleteJenn, I had to look up Robaxicet as I'd never heard of it. Unfortunately I'm hesitant to take most meds as I tend to get bad side effects. Last time in September my doctor gave me some muscle relaxants - but I didn't use them. Got by with a little Tylenol to take the edge off. Trying to do that again.
DeleteThat happens to me sometimes, too, with my back. This sounds like a pretty bad "seize" of your back, but I do hope it won't keep you down for too long. Usually I find that if I reach for something with my hands out in front of me and try to pick it up, my back goes out every time. The only thing I know for this problem is to get moving as soon as possible and suffer through the pain. Sending you lots of love and virtual purrs.
ReplyDeleteYou are right about that reaching out with hands in front. I can't do that now at all with this seize. And I think moving and suffering through the pain is the answer... however difficult. I keep telling myself "this too will pass"!
DeleteI'm glad you had a good holiday, but I'm so sorry you're back has seized up again. Do take good care of yourself; I'm sending tons of healing energy and Derry is sending purrs.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Kim. We'll get through it. But I'll take the healing energy and Derry's purrs! I know that you and Derry are suffering too with your loss of Nicki recently. Sending good thoughts your way also.
DeleteI can't imagine the pain from that. I have heard that a person does NOT want back problems. I have curvature of the spine (getting those stooped shoulders) and that sometimes causes some small pain. This getting OLDER is for the birds!!
ReplyDeleteThis back pain is new to me, Latane... and believe me, it has given me much more compassion for those who suffer with it. Not being able to walk without pain is awful and there are so many that have this problem on a daily basis. I'm hoping and praying mine is temporary. Yes, I guess we pay for these extra years... in some form or another.
DeleteWhat a bummer but at least it had the decency to let you have a really nice Thanksgiving before seizing up. Hope it is only with you for a short time. Sending you good thoughts and prayers.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much, Patti. Yes, I'm so glad that we got through Thanksgiving before this. And I appreciate your thoughts and prayers.
DeleteOh dear, I hope your back is healed soon. Would a chiropractor be able to help? Or some sort of muscle relaxant?
ReplyDeleteI'm happy you had a lovely Thanksgiving! Even with a grouchy grandchild.
I have thought about a chiropractor... but when it hurts so much I hesitate to have anyone touch it, let alone twist it. My daughter uses one and swears by it though.
DeleteAnd I did break down and use a muscle relaxant this morning. We'll see how that goes.
As for my grouchy grandchild, I love her to pieces, but she does have her days... (and besides she was having to much fun with her older cousins to be captured for pics!)
If you see your doctor about this, or a rheumatologist, ask about fibro, and their protocol. White rabbit ears to you, on December 2nd.
ReplyDeleteJoanne, I did call the doctor Monday afternoon when it got to the point that I couldn't walk at all anymore due to the pain... almost passed out. But since I couldn't walk to go in, and I wouldn't call 911 as I didn't feel it was life threatening, I did use Texas Health Dispatch and they came out and were great. (I don't know what "fibro" is...)
DeletePhysical therapy is what keeps my back in line. I went to the doctor, got x-rays, was told I had some arthritis. Had two PT sessions and now as long as I do my exercises every day (30 min.) I'm okay. Well, I take Advil sometimes, too, but not every day. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteTom, I think over a certain age, we all have Arthritis.The first time I had a bone density taken they told me I had "degenerative bone disease" (doesn't that sound awful?) I asked, "do you mean arthritis?" They said yes, and I relaxed. Not that arthritis isn't painful... but more expected I guess (IMO). I'm glad the physical therapy helps.
DeleteHope that white rabbit has worked some magic by now.
ReplyDeleteThe white rabbit had a little help with the steroid injection... but yes, a little magic is good.