
Thursday, February 13, 2025

a few things on my mind & Happy Valentine's!

Those of you that read my posts know that I've been going through some 'issues'... that have kept me busy with medical tests as well as spending a lot of time in bed (due to 'other' issues). With the weather cold, wet, and dreary here (26 F this morning, supposedly 13 on Wednesday), I find myself either in bed sleeping or on the sofa by the fireplace reading. I missed getting my haircut for 2 months and basically have let the house go. But DH has been taking good care of me... even fixing supper when needed (and has even taken over feeding the crows out front - and yes! we have been able to entice them to our front yard. In fact, they call for us if we're not out there to leave their peanuts... and come down almost immediately when we do.)

Anyway, as those of you know that have had these periods of inactivity, you tend to 'think a lot about a lot of things' (things that need doing as well as just things in general). Well, there are 2 good friends birthdays coming up and I've been racking my brain as to what to send. I tend to try to send things I know I would like to have or things I do have that I use a lot and really love (and then co-ordinate it with that specific person). I do this because they have done this for me and whenever I use their gifts cooking or otherwise, I think of them... and that's a comfort.

So far I've gotten 2 birthday fun care packages started - both totally different due to very different personalities. One has art as well as kitchen gadgets and goodies, the other has mostly kitchen gadgets and gluten-free goodies. Both have chocolate!

Another neglect: We haven't been to the Senior Center in months. Need to get back there. 

And talking about things that really work for me (and I mentioned this on Kay's Musings Blog)... if you wear glasses (I do) and wear a mask when out and about, it's a nuisance when your glasses fog up. So, not that long ago, I saw a box of Zeiss AntiFog Wipes at Walmart. Thought: wonder if those really work? And bought them. Well, they clean my glasses better than anything I've ever had as well as keep them from fogging up. So, if you have this problem, try them!

Another thought... and this one's funny (kind of). Last time I was at the Oncologist, they gave me a list of questions to answer. Starting with 'Are you in pain?', etc. Also 'are you anxious about anything?' Then went off to list things like, 'money, family, job, etc.'  Since I wasn't, I didn't check anything. Then at the bottom it asked, 'Other?' I wrote: "State of the world?" DH said, 'Are you really writing that? I said, "why not? It's true."

...good advice from Snoopy!

And lastly...

Happy Valentine's Day!

Hugs (virtual),



  1. i hope you start to feel better soon. i think i am suffering from the winter blues...i just don't feel like doing much!! husbands should help and i am so happy yours does, mine does too!! happy valentines day to you my friend!!

    1. Happy Valentines Day to you Debbie! You do a lot... so it's OK to take some time off. But I know that I don't like the feeling on days when I'm not enthused about things.

  2. Hang in there! Interesting suggestion for the glasses wipes. I didn't think they'd really work. Gotta try them now. Especially when shoveling snow with a mask, my glasses fog up. It's ok to rest ya know. Linda in Kansas

    1. Linda, they work really well for me. You get 40 in a box and that lasts for a bit as I don't use them every day.

  3. Rian, I'm very glad you've had DH helping take care of things while you've been under the weather. Reading about those crows made me smile, you are good to Nature. I thought your birthday gift ideas sounded wonderful, but a lot of work--your friends are fortunate! And "State of the World" for Other... I think that was sad but perfect. :-( Please continue to improve.

    1. Dug, those crows are smart. They have lookouts all over the neighborhood. When they see you, they call out (caw-caw!!) and more come. I know that some people don't like them or the ferals and consider them a nuisance - but I think nature is fascinating.

  4. I'm delighted that you are choosing to be happy, to embrace growing older and to enjoy life.
    Happy Valentine's Day!

  5. Happy Valentine's Day to you! I'm sending lots of healing energy, am glad your husband is so supportive and helpful.

    I love that Peanuts cartoon. A cookie can be very comforting, especially when paired with a good cup of coffee or tea. 😊

    1. Happy Valentine's Day Kim! Yes, I think a cookie can be a comfort... and we could use the comfort these days.

  6. Sending healing thoughts and wishes your way sweet friend.
    Hoping that kinder pain free days are ahead.
    Love your pictures, and everyday helpful suggestions.
    Wishing you a Happy. Valentine's Day 💘

  7. At the dollar store this afternoon, a young man stopped me as I was comparing prices. He held up a little white teddy bear stuffy, holding a little red heart. He asked me if I thought a young lady might like that for valentines. I said, probably not. But then he asked why, and I didn't know. So he asked again, saying he hoped to ask her out. So I said sure, it's a good gesture. That satisfied him. Geese, as if I know what young girls would like, and be encouraged to go out with this admittedly nice young man!

    1. Barbara, I hope she likes the teddy bear... Happy Valentine's Day!

  8. Happy Valentine's Day to you, too. Lots of cookies!

    1. Happy Valentine's Day Joanne... you are right, it may take lots of cookies.

  9. I hope you can find solutions to the health issues keeping you down. One day at a time.
    When I had my yearly Medicare whatever, I had those questions, too. I checked I was sad most days. They asked why and I said that ever since the election it has gotten worse and worse. The nurse just nodded silently.

    1. I agree "one day at a time", Miss Merry. And there are a lot of 'sad' people out there these days... and the numbers are probably going to increase as the year goes on.

  10. Happy Valentine's Day, Rian!
    One can't help feel some anxiety about the state of the world. We're living in uncertain times.
    I do hope your medical issues resolve or at least stay at bay, so you can continue to enjoy the love of your family.

    1. Thanks, Mae. I'm trying hard to believe that whatever is wrong (with the world) will right itself - somehow. I have faith that most people are good (not all, but most) and that good will always win out (eventually - but we may have some difficult times to go through first). Is that naive? Maybe.

  11. It's always wonderful to hear from you on your blog. And thanks so much for all the sweet sayings, especially the one about being happy to be old. Me too!

    1. DJan, I feel the same. I always look for your posts and comments. And yes, I'm happy to be old... just hope I'm strong enough to get through it gracefully.


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