
Friday, December 25, 2020

Christmas Day 2020... Pandemic style

It's Christmas day here in Texas... and the Pandemic is still raising it's ugly head... keeping us from gathering with our families for the holidays (or anytime).   So far we have all been very careful and safe for the most part, wearing our masks, washing our hands, and staying away from gatherings.

BUT... both our daughter-in-laws are nurses and have been working non-stop, exhausted, and bringing home awful stories of what they deal with on a day to day basis. They warn us of how serious this Covid virus can be. We get stories of a young mother with Covid who may not make it, her newborn baby in intensive care... and she may never see him. One father and his daughter died the same day... with the wife in intensive care. Watching people die struggling for breath must be beyond awful. I am so proud of both my daughter-in-laws for their courage and spirit. But I worry about them too... as they are up front with this horrible virus.

This week one of them tested positive for the virus. Now son and grand daughter (8) will be tested ASAP and all will isolate for the next 2 weeks.  2020 seems like it won't leave us unscathed.

Christmas morning

One of grand daughter's gifts from us was the pink hoodie with attached doggie mask...  appropriate for this Christmas morning.


There's not a lot else to say. It's been fairly quiet around here. We opened a few gifts, sat by the fire-place, talked or texted with the kids and grandkids, watched one of the new(?) Jurassic Park movies, and put a roast in the oven for later.  DH and I got a few cat puzzles and I got the cutest pair of cat pj's.  Here's a pic!

So, I'm going to leave you today with my hopes

that you are all having a good (if not merry) Christmas

 with those with whom you feel safe...


 I want you to know how much I appreciate 

all my blogger friends

Thank you for being there

I love reading your blogs and your comments!

Hugs (virtual),




  1. A very different holiday indeed, hard to not be with family, yet grateful for a quiet day in a warm house with a good meal.

  2. Probably your dil's told you,in this country, a person dies of Covid every ten minutes. Best wishes and thoughts to your two daughters-in-law and tell them I love them too much to get infected.

    1. They would appreciate that, Joanne... Don't let your guard down.

  3. Hope all goes well with your DIL and her family. We've had several people in our extended family down with Covid. All have recovered, but one was in the hospital for two weeks before she finally turned the corner. Thankfully, she's okay now. Yes ... let's hope for a better 2021!

    1. Thanks, Tom. So glad to hear that all those with the virus in your extended family have recovered.

  4. So sorry to hear about your daughter in law and hope she has no symptoms or at the most a mild case. Doesn't seem fair that the heroic front line workers have to suffer.
    Hope you and the rest stay safe and well and may 2021 be a much kinder and gentler year.

    1. So far she is doing OK at home... chills and body aches have gone, left with being a little short breathed and very tired.

  5. Merry Christmas Rian. I echo the thoughts of others, that your DIL will recover quickly and your son and granddaughter will have avoided contracting the virus.

    Take care and stay well.

    1. Thanks, Mae. We can only pray that since they are young and healthy, maybe they will be able to get through this OK.

  6. Love those cat jammies! Who wouldn't? Yes, yes, yes...this has been one tremendous stressful year with the pandemic. And reading what your girls have witnessed during their nursing shifts is so disheartening. My grandson's wife is scheduled to have the covid unit for a two week period (she too is a Tulsa). It's scary.

    Have a blessed new year.

    Ps...cute little gal in her pink hoodie!

    1. Yes, it is scary, but I'm sure your grandson's wife will take all the necessary precautions... (it's all we can do.. that and pray).

  7. this is so heart wrenching, we continue to be careful and safe!! cute p.j.'s!!!

  8. Thanks for commenting, Debbie. Do stay safe and don't let down your guard... not yet.

  9. Just now trying to catch up, our internet has been on and off since Christmas morning due to the deranged bomber in Nashville :(and We spent Christmas on our own also, couldn't even talk or text on the telephone to my family overseas, but things are getting back to normal, whatever "normal" is for us these days !
    My granddaughter is an RN she has had the COVID and so have members of her family who are still in the workforce. I was terribly sick back in April last year, the thought it may have been bronchitis but now I'm wondering...
    Wishing you and yours a Happy and Healthy New Year dear Rian, stay safe !


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