
Sunday, July 11, 2021

chicken salad video, peach torte, ancestry, and other nonsense...

OK, I'm going to try to post this strange amateur video I made for my friend in New Orleans. She and I were room-mates in college and Skype each Sunday, send each other funny selfies, etc. Her memory is better than mine... and although we have the same basic values, we are on opposite sides of the political scene. 

But we talk about it and don't get upset with each other, it seems to come down to what you believe is the truth... and trust. I try to respect her view and she tries to respect mine. The funny thing is that we both want the same outcomes (to a point), but we disagree on how to get there. 

I find the world no longer knows what "truth" is. And I'm not sure why that is. People blame the Media and maybe it is at fault, I don't know. We almost have too much communication from all different sources these days, no one know what is true and what is not.  

She is not as trusting as me... when it comes to lots of things. With me it's a choice I made a long time ago. I know one must be cautious, but I do choose to trust. I find that even though I know it's risky, I find it difficult to be happy if I can't trust (but that's me). She understands, but wants proof of everything... feels like no one takes the time and effort to prove what they say is true. And I do say that I go with my gut (as I'm sure many do) which is not infallible, but my gut has served me well these last 76 years.  

There are times when red warning lights go off in my brain and I know that this is someone not to be trusted. It hasn't happened often, but when it does, it's significant. 

Anyway, I didn't plan to get into all this.  Just wanted to post this amateur video of me making chicken salad. How it came about was she and I were texting Saturday morning and I was in the process of making this for supper. So I thought I might just sit my phone down and video my putting it together and send it to her. 

Oh... well, it won't let me download it. It's only 1 minute long, but it says it's size is over the limit???  No biggie.... (talk about warming you up to something and then dropping the ball).


Well, we did get to the peach orchard, so today I made a peach torte from a recipe I got from a dear friend who passed away in 2011. She and I traded recipes, met for tea, and walked in the park every week before she left us. Every time I make one of her recipes or use something she gave me, I wonder if she sees me and realizes how much she meant to me. I hope so.

peach torte


And now my latest Ancestry DNA...  

Nothing we didn't know... well, I was not aware of the Scotland part.... although when we went to England, Ireland, Wales, Scotland, and France in 1998 and 1999, Scotland was our favorite place. The people were so-oo friendly.  My father and his father were raised in England... but before that, we knew their family came from Ireland (O'Regan) at some point.  My grandmother was from London (Eleanor Fredericka King). Guess that whole area is so close, it's possible there's some Scottish blood there too. I do like the idea...


I'm going to close this for today. I hope you all had a relaxing weekend and are ready to start another fun-filled week (I don't recommend watching the news).  But thank you for visiting, be good to yourself, and use the time to make someone smile! And stay safe! This pandemic is not over - although some are acting like it is. 

Hugs (virtual), 



Hugs (virtual),


  1. I had a best friend for over thirty years. We were in the opposite political camps, but that wasn't what we talked of. Then one day she said we never had anything in common but our weaving, and end of friendship. The literal end. It's been five years since we met.

    1. I'm so sorry to hear that. Sounds like something happened that you might be unaware of. I'll bet she misses you.

  2. I too have both a friend and a family member on the opposite side politically. We just don't go there and get along great. Surprisingly, there is more to life than politics.
    That first thought is mine also--for waking up once more.

    1. Patti, I too have family members and friends on the opposite side. We also don't go there and have no problem. And yes, there is definitely more to life than politics - thank goodness.

  3. Truth seems to be entirely a matter of perception to me. I try to see a thing from different angles but then trust my own heart/gut/mind, likely in that exact order.

    1. I know, Olga. We can see or talk about what we think is the same thing, but it's not always perceived the way we think it is (if you know what I mean). Even if we honestly try to look at it from another's point of view... our heart/mind/gut seems to form our final opinion. And semantics play a part (to me anyway) - as words mean different things to different people. So we need to be careful with them.

  4. Although I would suggest I fall on the same end of the political spectrum, I'm like your friend who wants the facts. I do tend to disregard information that seems extreme, one way or the other, and prefer to get my information from the source if possible. There is a journalist, Daniel Dale, who is known for his fact checking expertise and when it comes to politics he'll checks all sides.

    Your peach torte looks delicious! I'm sure your friend is looking on with joy that she has not been forgotten.

    1. Oh, I agree that there is nothing wrong with checking the facts, Mae.... and I have done so on many occasions. There's just so much out there that I admit I don't check everything. As you say, some things are a bit extreme. But thanks for the recommendation of Daniel Dale.
      And as for my peach torte recipe friend, I think she knows that she hasn't been forgotten.

  5. What a sweet post, Rian. I will take your word on that video being fun, but I sure did salivate when I saw that torte! Wonderful to share such stuff with others like me.

    1. The video was just a fun thing for my friend that I thought I would share. My daughter saw it and told me that I needed to have the camera closer to see the ingredients and that I needed to speak louder. Ha! Told her it wasn't going on you-tube... just a bit of fun. The peach torte is really good. Boys enjoyed it with a little whip cream on top.


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