
Saturday, January 11, 2025

We have snow!

We have snow! Not a lot... but continuous. I imagine if it stays like this all day, we'll have some pretty pictures. At the moment, it's only 10 am and I'm still in pj's and not about to venture outside. 

I know our snow is nothing compared to those further up north. Ours is just pretty and a chance to stay home... (schools closed, appointments cancelled, etc.) for a day or two. It'll all clear up in 24-48 hours. 

Started this Thursday morning. It's now Friday and even though it's snowing off and on... very lightly, I think it's over. We have coverage... maybe 1-2 inches, but not as much as expected. I will post my friend's video (which she took yesterday at her place - about 30 minutes north of us).

The birds were out in force looking for food and taking their bits from the cat food out back. We also threw out peanuts and bread - which the Blue jays and Crows quickly took away.

Here's the video I promised: (and remember to first click on the arrow and then click on the far right square to get it to enlarge... much prettier that way) (Then hit the Esc to get out of it) ;)

It's Saturday now and the sun is out. Our snow should be melted and gone by this evening. But it's still cold... 28 F now. 

Hope the rest of you are staying warm. I know you've probably got much colder temps and more snow... so do be careful out there. 

DH made a huge batch of his wonderful red beans and rice - perfect for these cold days... and I made some corn bread muffins to go with it. 

Hugs (virtual),


(and praying for those caught up in those horrible California fires...)


  1. Hi Rian! That certainly looks a lot more than just a dusting, I'm sure for you Texans it's a real treat. 🙂 Here in Pennsylvania I was just thinking I'm tired of all the snow, but you gave me a fresh perspective. I like your memes and your food sounds tasty, good to hear from you.

    1. I think it's beautiful... but don't want to be out in it. It should all be gone by tomorrow and hopefully snow free by next week (when I have an Oncologist appt, a dental appt, and an eye doctor appt - don't know which I dread more - actually - probably the dentist).

  2. That's a pretty pretty snowfall for any state, much less Texas! Bet those birdies are a bit freaked out. Stay safe. If you don't have rock salt, try kitty litter or sand if you need. I visited my folks one time at a condo in OKC. Had to use the table salt in order to get to the mailbox on the frozen icy porch! Linda in Kansas

    1. The crows and blue jays are enjoying my peanuts and bread. The crows actually come to the front and caw! .... like they're asking for more.

  3. Lovely snow scenes. Thank you. We are still deep in the sweaty season and those images are very cooling.
    Stay warm and stay safe.
    My heart is still with those impacted by the fires too - there and here.

    1. Had to look up fires in Australia. That is awful too... Stay safe!

  4. I have followed the fires in California and hope that everybody stays safe. I love seeing that Texas snowfall, Rian. Just beautiful, actually.

    1. The snowfall with the big flakes was beautiful... the sleet, not so much. But it's all melting now.

  5. Your snow is lovely, like ours. Even prettier not being out in it.

    1. I agree, Joanne. The snow is lovely... viewed from inside a warm place.

  6. The first snow of the year is always pretty, after that I tire of it quickly. But I can understand the attraction when it doesn't last long.
    I'm out of it this year, until March, as I'm staying in Yuma for a couple of months. The mornings can be quite cool, but it sure warms up in sun.

  7. A beautiful and peaceful video, and just enough snow to remind us that winter is upon us, a time to rest and savor the nesting season.
    Stay warm dear friend.

  8. My daughter in Chicago is complaining about black ice on the road and frigid temperatures. I do still remember them. Please stay safe. Cornbread would be perfect with the red beans and rice.

    1. Yes, cornbread is perfect with the red beans. And We're due for another cold spell next week... but hopefully without the snow.

    2. I guess you put chili and cornbread on my mind. I made some yesterday for us to enjoy. I served the chili on a bed of salad. :-)

  9. Visiting from Debbie's blog :)
    Snow can look so pretty when you are safe and warm inside ...

    All the best Jan


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