
Sunday, January 5, 2025

a quick update... and a few pics

This will be just a short update on my recent MRI and Pet scan since several of you have asked me to keep you updated. The MRI showed something in my lumbar vertebrae - but it is considered benign. It was probably caused by some trauma and may be the reason for my occasional back pain, but nothing to seriously worry about. 

The Pet scan however showed some findings in my lungs that "could be malignant unless proved otherwise" (Radiologist report words).  So they are sending me back to my old Oncologist group to be checked out. To be honest, I'm not worried. As I told my PCP, I've had these nodules/fibrous tissue/scarring in my lungs for 24 years  and I've had a chronic cough for that long. They called it a Radiation cough. They kept an eye on it for a while, then stopped. Why worry about it now? 

But I will go and see what the Oncologist has to say. 

Closing this with some sayings and memes I like:


and this cute picture of knitted frogs:

That's it for now.  Apparently we're in for some cold weather... be careful out there, stay warm, and remember to check for those little critters that may be trying to keep warm inside your car engine.

... and big critters too?

Hugs (virtual),



  1. Thanks for the update. Fingers crossed. And for the smiles.

  2. Happy new year, Rian. I will cross my fingers that the follow up proves there is nothing of concern. 🤞🙏

    I love those frogs, so adorable! And the "I don't know" really hits me. Thanks for posting that.

    1. I thought those frogs were adorable... but probably beyond my knitting ability. And the "I don't know" hits me too.

  3. That is a really funny final picture. I'm glad to know that you are fine, probably better than fine, actually. We'll know that for sure after your next visit. Thanks so much for the update.

    1. I know... I cracked up when I saw that critter on the car hood!

  4. Thank you for giving us an update. I had a chronic cough BEFORE my radiation, so it wasn’t that, haha! I hope this turns out to be no big deal. Sorry you’re back to oncology again, but it may very well be nothing to concern yourself with. All the best! - Jenn

    1. Thanks, Jenn. As a dear friend told me, you've heard this before... and came out fine. So, yes, I will go with that.

  5. Rian, thank you for sharing. That lung diagnosis, scary to hear but I appreciate your calmness about it. As always, I like your kind memes and hope we hear more soon. We are currently bracing for a giant winter storm here in Pittsburgh, this should be interesting. You are in my thoughts. 🙂

    1. Thanks, Dug. I know it's scary to hear, but the possibility has always been there... and I just want to take the best road. I hope your winter storm is not too bad. I know you'll probably get lower temps than us here... but anything below 50 is too cold for me. Stay safe and stay warm!

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks, John. I keep you in my prayers too.

  7. I'm rooting for the no big deal, too. Best wishes.

  8. I wish you the best. I am glad they are investigating, but I have had something similar where we were concerned, then we weren't, then we kept an eye on it and lived with it. Then I got a new doctor who was concerned. I hope it turns out to be a "nothing burger".

    1. Yes, that is my plan too, Miss Merry. We will live with it... and hope for the best.

  9. Thanks for the update. I do hope that the next tests will come back clear.
    Take care!

  10. That last photo (photoshopped) is a hoot! Stay safe and healthy. You have offered some good thoughts here!

  11. Radiation cough? Gosh.. Yes... please have everything and anything checked out. I just made an appointment for Art because he's had a cough I'm concerned about too. He says it's because he's got some kind of malformation in the back of his throat. I don't care. I want it checked.

    1. I will be checking it out soon. Had to reschedule due to some other issues. And hopefully, Art will get his cough checked out too.


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