One of our 'previous' cats - Teela. She was a tiny little thing,
barely 5 lbs. but she was feisty and ran the house for years. |
I've spent the better part of this week working on our pottery project as well as talking to 'Apple' people concerning our new iPhone. Both Monday and Wednesday mornings were spent in the studio getting our ideas and clay together for our chess sets. And both Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons were spent talking in person at the Apple store and then on the phone with an Apple rep. I can't believe it's Thursday already. This week has flown by.
The reason for the consults was due to the fact that we upgraded recently from an iPhone 3 to a 4 because the upgrade was 'basically' free and the new phone is supposedly
a little faster, has a few more bells and whistles, etc... but basically we did it because we
could. Well, nothings ever simple. It took more than a few 'helping hands' to get all my apps, photos, etc. transferred from one phone to the other. There were reasons... security ones that had to be addressed due to some problems I had had about a year ago with someone fraudulently using my credit card. But I will say that all the Apple employees who helped us were terrific... friendly, knowledgeable, and very efficient. It just took time.
As for the pottery, we're slowing getting there. I have my first 6 animal figures done... to represent the King, Queen, Knight, Bishop, Rook, and Pawn. Now I will start making a small mold so that I can do the 16 pawns the same. I've had to 'revise' my original idea so as to keep making these small animals in the method I wanted to use...
may be called 'gestural'? I'm
not an art major so I'm guessing here, but it's when you do the basic figure without detail... more or less letting the form or movement dictate what it is. So instead of a cat theme, it's turned into an animal theme; dog, cat, bunny, rat, snake, and bird. Most of the figures are done in 1 cubic inch of clay... or less. The rat is a bit big... so I may have to scale him down some. But it's not easy sculpting in such tiny amounts. They can't be bigger than 1.5 to 2 inches or the chess board will have to be too big...
Anyhoo... for the most part, the week has passed. And passed quickly.
something else... and it has nothing to do with anything, but it comes to mind this afternoon. For the last few days I've kind of been
draggin', feeling a bit down (which is not like me) and haven't really known why. Guess I could be coming down with something, guess it could be a symptom of 'old age', etc. But whatever caused this melancholy to come and sit on my shoulder apparently departed this afternoon as this evening
I feel good...
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!