
Wednesday, August 4, 2021

at long last...


My reading list is back!

(And I've no idea of why or how...)

So... I will spend the next day or so catching up and leaving comments. So sorry to have burdened you all with my woes. I just figured someone out there may know how this happened and what to do about it. 


Now I could complain about other things that have happened this week... like people sending out the wrong service people to do a job, then setting up another service call for the wrong job a second time, then no one showing up the third time, and finally a service call that started at 6 pm and lasted until 10:30 at night.  But I won't...

or why my blogger won't "left align" today. 

But I won't...

I'm just happy to have both the service call finally done

and my reading list working again.


Saw this on Facebook this morning... and had to share!

Have a wonderful rest of the week!




  1. I'm glad you're back up and running again. I laughed out loud at that picture! Thanks for sharing. :-)

    1. Yes, thank goodness. I laughed too when I saw that pic...

  2. oooooh man, that's a lot of cats!! i'm glad your reading list is back!!

    1. Thanks, Debbie. Me too. And yes, that's a lot of cats. Add a few raccoons and it could be our backyard at feeding time.

  3. Lol on the catnip
    And my gosh I could say you've had a stressful time here of late...but I won't. 😁

    1. We tried to plant catnip a few times, but the cats would lay and roll on it - so it was always smashed - never did well. And yes, stressful... but I guess that's life. Lightens it a bit to share.

  4. We had one catnip plant that flourished, to the joy of neighborhood cats.

    1. I'll bet your neighborhood cats loved it!

  5. Isn't it wonderful when Blogger just spontaneously cures itself? So glad you are back in business. Laughed out loud at the cats. Priceless.

    1. Patti, I was hoping this would happen, but as the days passed, worried that it wouldn't. Thank goodness, it did. I'm Ok with using a computer program or site, but not much good at fixing something that goes wrong.

  6. HTML coding is the culpret. But Blogger has a symbol at the very top about 2/3 of the way across. If you are using another method, I am sorry and cannot help. Glad your reading list is back though!

    1. Thanks, Tabor. It's back... and that's all I know.

  7. Glad you have survived the stress and come out with humor. Best wishes!

    1. Thanks, LC. Sometimes time cures all... one way or another.

  8. How neat that your reading list decided to come back. You just never know. I still struggle with the print size changing and have noticed if I delete a picture from the post I am working on, it will change the print size. Isn't that strange. As long as I keep going on a post and don't back up or change anything, it turns out looking pretty good. Oh that catnip and kitties poster is the cutest thing I've seen lately.

    1. Yes, Henny, my print size changes too... have wondered why it did that, but since I just go back after the preview and play with it until it returns to the size I want, I haven't bothered mentioning it.

  9. The meme is hilarious! My experience with catnip was it spread all over the yard. I only planted it one year and several years later I'm still trying to get rid of it.

    Glad that your reading list came back.

    1. Our regular mint does the same. It will take over if you let it. Of course we like the mint and use it in our sweet tea, share it with others, etc.


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