
Saturday, August 10, 2024

a fairly quiet week...

It's been a quiet week... not the expected hectic one of good company, eating out, and catching up. Our planned out of town visitors were themselves visited with some illness (not Covid as they tested twice) but similar and are on antibiotics, etc. So our get-together was cancelled - or at least postponed. Perhaps it's for the best... since we're in triple digits over here. If they decide to reschedule for September, it may be cooler. 

However, since I was expecting company, we are a bit ahead of ourselves - with a clean house, cooked and frozen red beans and stuffed artichokes, etc. I even had time to do a few extra de-cluttering - like emptying 2 drawers in my office desk, 1 in the middle bathroom, and clearing off the clutter on my desk (baby steps)

Our oldest granddaughter returned from Hawaii earlier this week. We picked her up at the airport at midnight (that was a first for us who are usually in bed by 9). She was starving as she'd been in flight since early in the morning... so we stopped at What-a-burger on the way home (another first for us as we didn't know they stayed open 24 hours - who knew?). It was really good to see her and we had time to reminisce a bit and see her pictures the next morning before she took off back to the Hill Country.

Update on the Crow invitation: No luck so far. 

But the box turtles have been around a lot. One was eating some of the fruit I threw out on the back porch today. They come for the dry cat food, but also like to nibble on fruit.

Isn't this adorable?

It's been a bit hot here. Here are some memes I found that confirm this:


and lastly this handy hint for cat owners:

... and a quick pic of my friend's quilt at the Quilt Show. She won a blue ribbon for this one.

Have a great weekend! Try to stay cool!

Hugs (virtual),


  1. too bad about your company but it is good that they got sick before they came and not while they were visiting!! that turtle cake, wowzers, i think i could replicate that!! too bad about the crows, what in the world do they want an "engraved invitation". hehehehe, you would remember that saying!! the texas meme is hysterical!!

    1. The crows haven't responded, Debbie, but the squirrels I think are enjoying the peanuts. And I thought that turtle cake was just too cute...

  2. How I wish that I had a quiet week.
    Love that cake and the upholstery meme.
    Stay as cool as you can.

    1. EC, I checked your post to see why your week wasn't quiet. Sorry to hear about Batty. Hope he is on the mend... and this week is much better for both of you.

  3. What a cute cookie turtle! And that quilt is just lovely.
    Isn't it fun to discover a whole world after dark? We never go out at night either, but one night I went to a fortune teller (don't ask how I got talked into it) with friends and when we came out - it was dark and there was a whole world going on. One establishment uptown has a tent with all kinds of blinking lights and a band -who knew? And restaurants were open - who knew? There is a whole universe I knew nothing about.

    1. It was strange to be out at midnight... and to see that others were about too. But it's not for me... not my world.

  4. I would hate to go to any airport at midnight!

    1. We don't like being out that late either, Joanne... and especially not driving that late at night. But that's when her flight came in and we certainly didn't want her out there on her own.

  5. I do hope your weather cools off soon. That's WAY too hot for me. Love that quilt.

    1. Too hot for anybody, DJan. It's the main reason we got a home generator... not worried about the cold, but can't not have A/C if the power goes out - not in triple digit weather.

  6. It's a shame that your friends fell ill. I do hope they are recovering quickly.
    I would have needed a nap to be able to make a drive to the airport at midnight. But it was nice you were able to spend some time with your granddaughter after her trip. She'll need to learn to tuck a couple of granola bars into her carry-on.
    Your temperatures would make me cry! Love your friend's quilt, it is lovely.

    1. It was good to see her, Mae... even if it meant a late night trip. She graduated from Texas A&M this May and is a working girl now. And yes, the temps here are usually awful in August... best to be out of Texas in August (maybe Colorado or Alaska?).

  7. I'm sorry your get together was postponed, but it's great to be ahead of the game in the cleaning! I'm glad you got to spend time with your granddaughter, though! Even if it did necessitate being up so late!

    I'm not sure I could adjust to your temps. We had humidex factors into the low 100s F for some time, and it was ugly out. We have a break now, it's warm and breezy, but lacking the suffocating humidity at the moment.

    Your friend's quilt is lovely! I can see why she won the blue ribbon for it.

    Thanks for stopping by. Change is on the way, as the lovely adjoining neighbours have bought a detached home, larger, with lots of space to run for their 2 year old. They move out on the 26th and the new owner moves in on the 28th. A very quick closing, as the new owner is a teacher and wants to be in before school starts. I hope she'll turn out to be as quiet and unobtrusive as these people have been, I'm not living with screaming, abusive adjoining neighbours again (the ones before the current owners).

    Take care and have a lovely wee8!

    1. Kim, I remember your screaming neighbors... hope you have better luck with the new new ones. And hope you are enjoying your recent renovations!

  8. What a marvelous quilt. My sister makes quilts but I've never seen her do anything quite like this.

    1. Yes, this one really is beautiful. I quilt also, but nothing like this...

  9. Isn't it amazing the work we can get done when company is coming? Don't know which is my favorite, the turtle cake or the upholstered couch. :) Your sister's quilt is amazing! Hope your hot weather goes away soon.

    1. It (the hot weather) will go away... eventually. Actually when I think about it, we're pretty lucky as neither the very hot weather nor the very cold last too long here.


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