
Friday, March 4, 2016

no kitty pics today...

Sorry... no *cute kitty pics or clay critters* today. Had a moment of melancholy that I shared on my other blog (My Mulberry Days) if you're interested. 

If not, hopefully *cute...* will return soon.


  1. I didn't know you have another blog, Rian. I went over and read your melancholy (it wasn't really) post and was very impressed with your introspective thoughts. I could have written the same piece. I'm looking forward to cat pictures in my future. And sending you love through the airwaves. :-)

    1. Yes, DJan, I actually have several blogs (listed on right under "life is sweet" poster). But I don't write on them very often. I originally thought I could divide up my themes... but it seems that I write on this one most often and it pretty much encompasses everything.

  2. I just went to your other blog, for the first time, and really enjoyed the quotations your wrote.


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