I'm not sure that TGIF exists any longer. Nowadays one day runs into another... and only when something is planned for that day do we remember what day it is. Of course new routines are being forged.
I know what days we've scheduled curb-side pickups. And we actually look forward to these days as it's an 'outing' during these days of sheltering at home. Sundays are now days where I cook something that takes a bit more time... and possibly will last for more than one meal (this Sunday it's sour cream chicken enchiladas).
Also made garlic coleslaw and steamed cabbage with onions and bacon Saturday morning - because grandson brought home a cabbage he thought was lettuce! I thought it was funny as he doesn't like cabbage, but since DH and I do, I decided to go ahead and use it.
The rest of the week is made up of normal chores as well as working on hobbies and crafts, making masks, texting, and Skyping with friends and/or family. If and when the sun is out (it's been raining off and on a lot lately), DH and I will walk the neighborhood.
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ghost in her kitty tent |
Ghost has been acting a bit strange. With no other cats around, she no longer has to check everyone's food dish to see what they might have, so she seems to be eating less. Even treats which all the cats loved, are not much of a thrill for her anymore. And the other night when I awoke in the early hours and sat with her by the Aga with a cup of tea, she actually leaned into me. She's not a lap cat, so displays of affection are few. She will sometimes lick my hand.
OH... we did have a bit of excitement around here Friday evening. Our next door neighbor called to say that they heard screaming and saw a white van stopped and a young girl thrown into it. They know we have security cameras and were wondering if the cameras picked up anything. DH and I looked and found the van passing by several times, but not the actual act as that was a bit past it's range. But the interesting thing was that on one video the van passed by with it's back doors wide open. (?) A police officer came by the house and we sent him what pics we had. Haven't heard anything more about it today (Saturday).
If you notice, I started this post on Friday and am continuing it today (Sat).
Hope your weekend is good... stay home and stay safe!
As much as I love having 5 cats I do feel a bit sorry for them sometimes and wonder if they would prefer to be 'the only one'
ReplyDeleteThey are always alert when being petted for one of the others to muscle in.
Saying that, they do all get their time. princess comes to be with me, Rupert goes to bed with Tom, Willow makes sure she gets some by following me everywhere, lol
Mummy Polly is a cat to herself, being a stray she is more independant and Rowan who used to be very shy is coming out of her shell in her old age.
Can't you tell I just love cats, lol
It’s obvious you do, Briony. We do too. And they all have their individual personalities. At one time, we had 8... and for a long time we had 5. Now with just Ghost, it feels a bit odd... but probably best considering our age.
DeleteI wonder if Ghost still misses cat company. I think Derry does. It's nice that she's becoming more affectionate, though.
ReplyDeleteThat van episode sounds terribly frightening; a kidnapping? I hope that young girl is okay.
I think Ghost does miss the other cats. She is changing a bit due to this...
DeleteThe van episode is a strange one. The fact that we've heard nothing more about it is strange too. But I will post if we hear more.
It was nice seeing Ghost in her tent. Not always do cats take to what we think they would like.
ReplyDeleteThat was dreadful about the abduction. The parents must be crazy with worry. Sure hope your pictures help.
Ghost does not 'play' much. It isn't part of her personality. She will try on occasion, but then gets upset and leaves. And the tent has been around a bit. She never paid much attention before. We brought it out recently and were surprised that she even tried it out.
DeleteAs for the girl taken... don't know age and haven't heard any more yet.
Oh my, I hope the young woman is okay. Good that you had video of the van - it might be what the police need to determine what happened.
ReplyDeletePerhaps Ghost is feeling a bit lonely without the other cats. My Saku was not a lap cat until Sami passed a few years ago. It didn't happen overnight but now he's a big suck!
What is garlic cabbage? It sounds intriguing. Take care and stay well!
We hope so too, Mae... but haven't heard any more.
DeleteAnd I do think Ghost is a bit lonely without the other cats.
Garlic cole slaw is the only cole slaw I like. It's a very simple recipe and I'll post it if you like. Let me know.
Love the cabbage recovery.
ReplyDeleteJoanne, DH and I do like cabbage. But I don't make it a lot.... do make for New Year's with black eyed peas and a pork roast. My SIL makes a fried cabbage (which is good) but we prefer it simply steamed with a little butter, onion, salt, and pepper - occasionally a little ham or bacon added.
Deletewhat a cute kitty tent, I hope they get the little girl back, how sad
ReplyDeleteKitty tent was a hand me down from son's cat who no longer cared for it. Ghost's interest with it will wane.
DeleteAs for the girl taken, we're anxious to know the story too... but so far, no news.
I do not like that kind of neighborhood excitement. Please make it be a mistake. Your meals sound delicious and now I am craving chicken enchilads.
ReplyDeleteNo, no one wants that kind of excitement. I pray too that it was all a mistake... maybe a family squabble? But still haven't heard any more. Chicken enchiladas are one of my grandson's favorites.
DeleteI hope Ghost is okay. And what a terrible bit of excitement that was. I hope the girl is all right! Please let me know if you hear anything.
ReplyDeleteIf we hear any news, DJan, I will post it.
Deletei really enjoy hearing about what everyone is doing during this stay at home order!! steamed cabbage with onions and bacon is sooooooo good, i love that!!
ReplyDeletethat van episode sounds very scary, i hope they get to the bottom of what happened!!
The cabbage was good... so was the garlic cole slaw (and I'm not a big fan of cole slaw).
DeleteNo news on the van episode so far.