
Wednesday, July 29, 2020

new blogger format - not yet please

Just returned from the 6:30 am Senior shop at Walmart.  Not too many people there... had to pick up a new microwave. Ours was really old and yesterday decided to spark a bit.

I think Blogger just tried to change me to the new format today, but I clicked to be reverted back to the old one.

Didn't feel ready to learn the new blogger and hesitant to mess things up when they seem to work fine. Why fix something that isn't broke, right? 

Is there a reason for this change. If there is, I haven't heard it. Anybody out there using the new blogger have any comments. Is it better?

Apparently I have until August before all are converted over. I will take that time... don't need any more frustrations at the moment.

Closing this with a few funnies :

For those of us who knit, crochet, or sew... THIS IS FUNNY... and has happened!

This I could really use... way too many passwords to remember.

And lastly:

Not funny... very real sentiments.



  1. I'm using the new Blogger format, but have done only 2 posts with it, since I'm really not blogging at the moment (doing Instagram). The only real change I've found with the new format is layout to the menus, having to click the "..." for more options, etc. Minor changes to how I adjust the size of a photo within the blog post, things like that. Just a matter of finding where things are now, that's all.

    1. Thanks, Kim. Maybe one day before they automatically switch me in August, I will give it a try.

  2. No reason, for all the *new* things, which get pushed on us. "They" just *have* to keep doing things differently. It's the new way of life. What has worked fine, is not enough. "They" must make-it-different-and-thus-*better.* Hahhhhhhh....

    But I have used it. We really need to look, and learn any new tricks needed. It would be awful, if the result of this *new* way, was to drive some of us, out of blogging.

    But we aren't going to let-'em-win, that way, are we????????????????????


    Use it!

    Learn it!

    Don't get kicked out!!!!

    Gentle hugs,
    Please may I ask you, to read my post.

    1. Yes, I guess things must change... no matter how hard we resist. Eventually I will check it out. And of course I will check out your post also!

  3. I'm using the new blogger - I'm one of those people who are resigned and figured I'd go ahead and get it over with. It's not better, just different. Buttons aren't always where they used to be and the formatting for photos/memes is quite different - I've had some issues trying to ge things done the way I want them.. They've already made a couple of changes from when it first came out. I've sent feedback but nothing I've suggested has changed.

    That yarn meme made me laugh out loud. More times than I care to count. Perhaps it is time for new glasses. :)

    1. The yarn funny made me laugh too. Things like that make me realize how much we are all alike.

  4. my old posts are coming up new but new coming up old way, I've ignored it

    1., maybe the bugs will be fixed before I switch?

  5. I went over to the new blogger but then went back when I had problems placing photos. Maybe that's a wrinkle that they'll iron out.

  6. I am literally lol on the "close enough" and the dead yarn. AND Road Runner. I agree, why fix it when it's not broken? It's my understanding that the blogger basic will be around, even after the switch ...I hope so.

    1. Oh, I didn't know that. If that's the case, I may stay using the old one until they get rid of it... unless it would mean losing my past posts?

  7. I went with new blogger some time ago. I keep saying, it's old blogger with bigger buttons. Makes millenials happy.

    1. I guess I could try it... as long as I can revert back if needed.

  8. I tried it but went back to the old form. Unless they make me I am happy here. But then I still use Windows 7 so you can see how I am about change.
    Loved the yarn.

    1. Oh, Patti, our desk top still uses Windows 7 too! (LOL)

  9. Thanks for the warning. When I get ready to post a new one later today, I'll know why things are weird. Glad to know I can still go back to the old one. :-)

    1. Well, don't know if it was a warning. Just looked different when I went to post... so I hit the 'return to original' and it worked.

  10. These are very funny memes. Thanks! Just what all of us need today, a slice of humor. I am using the new blogger with little problems...although they took away to link to see things in if fonts screw up I am screwed.

    1. Good to know that you are using it with little problems...

  11. I've tried the new Blogger and really don't care for it. I see no reason for the changes, of course, I'm not much of a computer person. Some of the changes seem useless, like putting symbols to click on instead of the word. Absolutely! Why fix something that isn't broken?

    1. I know... why? But perhaps we just have to go with the flow.


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