
Friday, May 31, 2024

last week in May 2024...

Hi Everyone! This week was far from boring. It started with Memorial Weekend... which was great as we got together Saturday with old friends and had a really nice time at a restaurant and later back at our house for coffee. 

Sunday and Monday were relatively quiet as we didn't do anything special on Memorial Day except talk and text with our kids and family.

But Tuesday morning we were awakened to sirens going off at 5:30,  high winds and tornado warnings being displayed on our phones. DH and I got up, made some coffee, and put the TV on as well as the weather radio. It was raining hard, some hail, as well as thundering and beaucoup lightning... and continued so for a few hours till the danger past. I had our safe room ready if needed. Luckily, it wasn't. 

However, later after lunch when things had calmed down, we drove around to see if there was any damage in our neighborhood. Lots and lots of large branches down, several big trees split, and one telephone pole almost lying on the ground.  But no damage to houses that we could see... and the power in our area was still on. Later learned that over 600,000plus homes were without power. Granddaughter's school a few blocks down was without power, so school was closed (to her delight).

Thursday we headed out to the Senior Center around 10 am to walk. It was overcast and looked like rain, but thinking it would hold off until after lunch, we decided (after walking) to go to a favorite breakfast place to split a BELT and coffee. But before we got there, the heavens opened up and we got torrential rain. However, inside the cafe was comfy and the BELT was great (if you don't know what a BELT is, it's a bacon, egg, lettuce, and tomato). They make really good ones at this cafe... crispy bacon, fried egg, lots of lettuce and a huge slice of tomato on sour dough bread (which is ok for me to eat even though it's not gluten free).

Today, Friday,  is calm. No rain and a bit of sunshine. I had plans today to make one of my dark chocolate pies, text a few friends, go through the junk mail that's been piling up, work on my book, and make Chicken Fajitas for supper. So far, so good.

the makings for dark chocolate pie

finished dark chocolate pie

... and just had to put this cute pic of kid with kittens up:

and... before I close, I will only say this since I just heard about the 'guilty' verdict. 

...and wow! does it ever say something is not right
whenever this person is around

Wishing you all a happy safe weekend! We will continue to binge- watch Outlander from the beginning. I loved the books and feel they did a really good job with the series. Take care, my friends, and stay safe!

Hugs (virtual),

(and just a little reminder: Tomorrow is June 1st... Rabbit! Rabbit! White Rabbit!)




  1. A quiet week turned into quite a week! Your dark chocolate pie looks delicious.

    1. It IS delicious... if you like dark chocolate. You can make it with semi-sweet chocolate, but I use unsweetened chocolate and it's perfect for me.

  2. This was a nice read Rian, and I'm glad you were able to meet up with old friends, and that BELT sounds delicious--do you add mayo or butter to the bread? As for that terrible storm, I am relieved you guys were spared--and your dark chocolate pie looks so good!! As for Trump, the man honestly leaves me speechless. I will never understand him or his followers.

    1. Dug, I'm sure you could use mayo... but I would use a little butter if making it at home. I'm not sure they use anything as the lettuce, tomato, bacon, and egg make it moist... and I wouldn't like it soggy. And we love my pie... although I don't make it often as it is very rich.

  3. I am so glad that you escaped tornado damage - but mourn for the trees.
    Love that picture of the child and the kittens. Total bliss - for all.
    Thanks for explaining what a BELT is. I was clueless.
    It is June the first here already but my first words of the day were to the cats (and didn't involve rabbits).
    Have a great weekend.

    1. That pic of the child and the kittens is just adorable, I know. Like so many other things, a good BELT is hard to find. And I can understand that your first words of the day would be to your cats.

  4. I am glad you slipped through all the weather, so to speak. With coffee first.

  5. I'm back from Illinois and finally getting myself settled and organized again. There was so much to do. What a relief that you weren't hit with really, really scary weather. That was scary enough! Hawaii had unusual rainy weather that lasted several days while we were gone.
    That chocolate pie looks absolutely scrumptious and is making my mouth water.
    I wish more of his supporters would see that there is something truly not right about this person.

    1. Glad you're home safe and hope you had a great visit. Know your mom is glad for you to be back. Your comment about "not right about this person" is an understatement.

  6. Goodness, I'm glad you were safe through that tornado warning! I can imagine the mess of downed branches, trees, and power lines, though. (That happens more often in winter for us, with ice storms.)

    Ah, that pie looks delicious. Makes me wish I could still eat dark chocolate!

    Take care, happy June 1st!

    1. Thanks, Kim. We love that dark chocolate pie... but don't make it often. It's rich and bittersweet. Most chocolate pies you get out are like milk chocolate pudding in a pie shell.

  7. Good that storms were no worse where you were. Never had a BELT, but think it sounds pretty good. I'm a sucker for kitten photos! And dark chocolate. I've a half full can of whipped cream, now I know what I can do with it!

    1. BELT'S are great - if made right. Bacon has to be crispy, egg fried just right, fresh lettuce, large chunk of tasty tomato, and toasted sourdough!

  8. I'm glad to hear that the tornado warning, was simply a warning and it didn't come to fruition. Is there a child anywhere that isn't thrilled when school has to close down?

    I agree with your last meme. It's unfortunate that so many have decided to overlook that gut check.

    1. I know, Mae. that 'gut check' is so strong, it's hard to imagine others don't feel it. I've never felt a warning so strong. It's eerie.

  9. "if it doesn't feel right, don't do it"!! i always told my boys that!! the little one with the kittens, be still my beating heart!! so good the storm did not get you!!


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