
Tuesday, May 21, 2024

a redo...

This past Mother's Day we were in the Hill country for oldest granddaughter's graduation... but I was wondering this morning what I wrote last Mother's Day. Found it and re-posted it... as the picture and the poem always makes me feel good. 

My mother passed away in 2008, but I wish her 

a Happy Mother's Day today still...  

She was a wonderful mother. We didn't have the same personalities, nor the same likes and dislikes when it came to personal choices, but we loved and respected each other. Mom lived with us for the last 14 years of her life. 

When Alzheimer's became a problem (and I was still working), she went into an Assisted Living facility for a short time, then to a Memory Care Unit. I now regret that I didn't stop working and just take her home - but at the time it didn't seem right for many reasons. Mom passed away due to complications of Alzheimer's within that year. Mom was 94.

And now I want to share with you a poem that I came across a while back that to me embodies motherhood. It's how I felt (and still feel) about becoming a mother for the first time. 


Happy Mother's Day!

Oldest son (one who made me a mother for the first time is now 56 years old... hard to believe But I still feel the same... age doesn't change anything when it comes to your kids.

Closing this on the note that I'm now using Google's Gemini - their AI Chat. It's definitely interesting. I know many of you may be using it too. I'm a little late to the game, but would love to know your thoughts on it's use (or ChatGPT).

Hugs (virtual),



  1. Not a mother here - though I have immense respect for those who are. Love that poem.
    And haven't yet tried AI. I have enough difficulties with my own.

    1. Thanks for commenting, EC. I love that poem too.

  2. Gosh Rian this was such a nice read. You made me choke up a little. Your mother was beautiful and wow, 94 years. I understand they weren't all quality, but you have lots of good memories here for sure.

    1. No, Dug, they weren't all quality, but all in all... my memories are good. In hindsight I could have done some things differently, but it seems we live and learn.

  3. I hope you can see this comment, Rian. Thank you for the lovely poem. My mother has been gone a long time, but I still miss her.

    1. Thanks for commenting... and it doesn't seem to matter how long they've been gone, we will miss them forever.

  4. my mother is still alive, she became 90 in march. we had a nice mothers day together. the poem is lovely!!

    1. That's wonderful that your mom is 90, Debbie... and that you were able to enjoy Mother's Day together. And I just love that poem. It says all the things I felt.


Thanks for reading and commenting! It makes my day...