
Friday, June 28, 2024

Friday hugs... to everyone!


I actually have nothing to write about, but felt the need to send out virtual hugs to all.  And I'm not sure why. Perhaps it's a strange feeling after listening to the debate last night... a debate that IMO didn't help either party. One just spat out lies and the other didn't look or sound too well. But that's all I'm going to say about that.

It's the end of June already, July will be here on Monday... and it's hot! Not triple digits yet, but close. Excessive heat warnings issued.

On top of that - DH and I will both hit 79 in July. How does that make you feel, you say? Not sure... a bit apprehensive maybe that the big 8-0 is next (if we're lucky). But all in all, our kids are supposed to come for a visit sometime in July - as well as my cousin and her grandson from New Orleans, so we are both looking forward to that.

On another mundane subject, I made a new recipe the other night... oven fried chicken. It turned out well. I think the guys liked it. We don't deep fry anything here... but this chicken came out crispy and it's done by pan frying and then put into the oven. It may be a keeper.

I don't know about others, but sometimes I get so tired of making the same dishes (after almost 57 years), that I have to try something different. But I'm not going to do anything too complicated, so when it's fairly simple, but turns out well, I'm pleased. 

The feral cats (and kittens) are doing fine. We've had 2 little tiny possums visiting lately. One climbs up into the cat tree and naps on occasion. He is really cute... DH says he thinks he's a cat.

A neighbor couple stopped DH this morning when he was out cutting the grass and asked him about our sign on the fence which says "Wildlife Sanctuary". They asked if we get other animals besides feral cats. Of course, he said yes we do, possums, raccoons, box turtles, etc.  This couple live over by the stables and said they did too... but not as many as you would think.

Will leave you with a few funny cat memes:

Have a wonderful last weekend in June 

and please 

Stay out of the heat!

Hugs (virtual), 




  1. Stay cool, stay safe. And thanks for the hugs and the funnies.

    1. Same to you, EC. Hugs and laughter never hurt.

  2. The cat memes are lovely. My cat has no quirk to display.

    1. Maybe not, Joanne... but I'll bet she's a happy cat to have found such a good home.

  3. I love your gentle posts with "nothing" in them but love and light. :-)

    1. Thanks, DJan. That first meme is like me at times. The second made me laugh. And the third is how I feel on occasion... need to be recharged (hopefully my B12 injections do this).

  4. Hugs to you, too! I'm a July birthday as well (15). I never think of you as being the age you are. I like those cat memes (I think that first one is true for orange cats!) -Jenn

    1. Jenn, my bd is July 6 and DH's is the 16th. And you made me laugh with your comment about never thinking of me as being the age I am... truth is, I don't either... but the years don't lie (especially when I look in the mirror).

  5. We love oven fried chicken. I am like you. It seems like I make the same recipes over and over and over and over. It is nice to try something new once in a while.

    1. Yes, you do understand... and it's nice when something you try turns out to be a keeper.

  6. Cute memes!
    Do enjoy your birthdays. It seems to me you are both quite active, both physically and mentally, which is very important. I do notice signs of aging at 65 but I like to think that's an honor rather than a curse. Perhaps I'll feel differently in 15 years.

    1. No, it is an honor, Mae. Both my siblings didn't make it past their 50's... so, yes, I am blessed... despite the 'inconveniences' of aging.


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