
Monday, July 22, 2024

a simple Sunday post... on Monday

Looking up a recipe for cheese enchiladas. Going to do this instead of my usual sour cream chicken enchiladas this week. And plan to have BELT's (bacon, egg, lettuce, & tomato sandwiches on toasted sour dough bread) tonight for supper. Must be feeling better since I really haven't wanted to cook much this past week.

a BELT...
(but without the avocado - which is good too)

Also started cleaning out drawers... my summer de-clutter project that never took place. Well, I cleaned out my desk drawer this morning. So much 'junk'... but also lots of little things I'm not sure what to do with.  Well, at least it's a smaller horde to keep. 

My daughter suggested she come up one weekend and help me clean out the computer room (which used to be her bedroom). I should probably take her up on it. She's good about throwing things out... I'm not. 

I have a good friend in New Orleans that lost her husband a few years ago and basically has little to no family left. We text a lot. She also lost her condo in a hurricane a few years ago... and has had to find a new place to live. She was telling me all the things that need fixing or replacing in her new place. I told her that there's always going to be something... it's the same here, but at least I still have DH to share the load. It's always a matter of priorities... some things get fixed or replaced, some have to wait. But these things are not life or death... just temporary inconveniences. 

I sometimes struggle with finding something to accomplish on a day to day basis. DH and I will walk the mall or walk at the Senior Center maybe twice a week, but other than that, don't do much socializing. We do have family over and occasionally eat out with friends, but seems like we should be doing more. Problem is, I'm not sure we have the energy to do more. Just doing these things as well as keeping the house and grounds in order (we still do all this on our own... haven't taken to getting help yet).

I do now have 4 inside plants that I'm taking care of... my original button fern, my Thanksgiving cactus, a Fiddle Leaf fig, and a Mandrake (from Harry Potter! - actually it 'looks' like a Mandrake but is a Ginseng Bonsai). My Hatch Pepper plant got too big to keep inside. He now resides on the front porch with the Night Blooming cereus.

Mandrake from Harry Potter

my Mandrake

Anyway, that's it for what's going on around here.  I'm reading 3 books, working on the next chapters of my own book, and just trying to keep up with it all... although there really isn't that much to keep up with.

We have more company coming in a few weeks, so life will get busy again soon enough. We just need to stay well... BTW, we're all back to feeling OK (from our Covid issues)... still a bit of coughing hanging in there and my taste hasn't returned yet, but otherwise, OK.

Will close with this:

fresh peach custard pie

fresh peach torte

Both of these were made with fresh peaches bought at Hamm'sPeach Orchard. 

This post is a little 'all over the place'... but that's about how things are at the moment. Thanks for reading and do try to enjoy what's left of the summer. 

Hugs (virtual),



  1. LOve plants and food...and I just foundd a hilarious video of "If Hermione Granger had Written Harry Potter." I'll try to post it soon. It's slamming the patriarchy by the way.

    1. Thanks for the comment, Barbara. I love plants and food too (but sure wish my taste would come back soon). Looking forward to seeing that video!

  2. I visited my sister over the weekend and she treated me to fresh peaches from southern Ohio!

    1. Fresh peaches and fresh peach products are so-oo good!

  3. Oh gosh, that peach pie!!!! I am so tired lately - I always have a huge declutter plan for summer and it never happens. Depressing.

    1. Yes, my de-clutter plans never happen either. I get started, but then get overwhelmed. But you are such a busy lady... and do so much with your grands, I can see how you might not find time.

  4. I make a start on the decluttering and get overwhelmed. I really, really need to be more consistent. Fresh peaches? Drool. They are months away here. I hope you get your sense of taste back soon.

    1. Well, EC, I'm glad I'm not the only one who get 'overwhelmed' when trying to de-clutter. All I can do is a little every once in a while... baby steps, I guess. As for my loss of taste, I hope it returns soon... it's been 2 weeks.

  5. I'm glad to hear you are both feeling some better.
    I'll be honest, I don't know why we have to be productive all the time, especially in retirement. A friend once said to me, "When I'm retired, I plan to do nothing every day and if I get half of it done I'll be happy." There is always something that needs/can be done around here too, but I do have my lazy days where I just read or knit, or watch television. I figure I've earned it!

    1. I do the same, Mae. Some days are just for rest and recoup. But there are things I'd like to get done... and finished... but perhaps its not to be (or maybe just not now). There's always tomorrow (or at least we hope there is).

  6. Peaches are my favorite and this is the time of the year to enjoy them in so many ways!!

    1. Home-made peach ice-cream is my favorite ice-cream.

  7. i did not read the comments that others left BUT as i read this post i thought, you are doing plenty!! i know how you feel because i sometimes feel the exact same way. cleaning the house, weeding the gardens...i can get pretty overwhelmed. i think we do that to ourselves...always thinking we have not done enough!! i am really good at organizing and decluttering, it is something i enjoy, weird right?? i'm glad you are feeling better and those peach desert's look really good!!


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