
Sunday, July 14, 2024

What's next?...

I know I shouldn't be posting again so soon, but life is getting a bit scary... and writing down my thoughts seem to help me put things in some sort of order. 

Our house-hold is trying to cope through this new mutation of the Covid virus. It take everything I have to just do everyday stuff and help DH and Grandson to get through also.

So, when oldest son sends me a text yesterday saying, "Are you watching the news?" I have to tell him. "I don't watch the news these days. Why?"  And then he says, "Someone took a shot at Trump!" My only reply was "OMG!!" And my first thought was... this can only make things WORSE... it will increase the HATE. Why wouldn't anyone see that?? 

With all the political tension, I'm not surprised it hasn't happened sooner... for either candidate. But this is America, we shouldn't have people that live here think this is a viable answer. It only incites more violence. Why don't people see this??

Or perhaps the people inciting these troubles are working for exactly that?  I'm not a person who believes in conspiracy theories. But I'm beginning to have a gut feeling that something 'internal' is going on... trying to bring America to its knees. 

And what can be done? I have no idea. Get both parties to forego the 'issues' and work towards democratic unity? How does that happen? 

I'm at a loss. But certainly better minds than I from both parties could come up with something that unifies and not divides us further.

OK, I had to get that out. Hope I didn't sound too stupid or naive... but those are the things running through my covid mind right now.

Hugs (virtual),



  1. Replies
    1. Thanks for commenting, EC.... turned out to be a bit of a rant.

  2. Well Rian, I enjoy your rants. That attempt on Trumps life was near my location, by a young man who had recently graduated high school. I'm saddened he chose to do what he did, I have a feeling he was not doing it for evil reasons. I just hope it doesn't backfire and cause trumps re-election.

    1. I'm surprised that a young man recently graduated high school would find himself THAT 'involved'. But no matter what, assassinations or attempted assassinations never help. They just hurt America's image (IMO anyway).

  3. I never used to give politics much attention. I did some research picked candidates and voted. Now even thinking about it brings on serious anxiety. There is so much hatred in our country and like everyone else, I can't pinpoint why. Where has the moderate, middle ground gone? I hope you feel better soon!

    1. Thanks, Bobi. I'm not sure what is going on... politics has gotten strange. I don't remember all this conflict growing up. Don't even remember my parents ever talking about itl.

  4. You are not alone in wondering what is happening to the country. I am fearful but trying to stay positive. You just need to get well and take care of yourself and the family, dear friend.

    1. Thanks, DJan. We are all doing our best to get through it. Today was a pretty good day.

  5. I think the problem is the constant calls for violence and the availability of weapons of war. This kid, who seems to me to have mental health issues, was able to purchase an AK45 in a state with no background checks or rules and then was able to shot to kill from far away, not even at the event, because of the range of these weapons. It is sad for all of us. I have decided not to watch tv at all until further notice. I don't want to hear about anything but people working toward a solution. And I haven't heard that happening yet.

    1. I know, Miss Merry. I don't watch any news anymore... and only watch movies that are uplifting (like Hallmark). Not that I don't want to be informed and aware of what's going on in the world, but because IMO it's NOT HEALTHY be constantly bombarded with news of violence and disasters (and stupidity).

  6. Love your Blog but I usually never comment until today.we just got over Covid two weeks ago thought it was a sinus infection. The doctor said oh no it’s one of the new flirt variants and then prescribed and antibiotic to be taken after the 5 th day because it could turn into a bacterial infection after 5 days.heads up if you don’t feel better soon! My doctor only allows you to see no more than one hour of news a day. She said watching more than that can raise your blood pressure to high! Take care

    1. So glad you got over it alright. It was a week ago yesterday that I was tested positive... 5 days ago for grandson, and 4 for DH. All of us seem to be over it... except for the cough. That may hang around for a bit.

  7. maybe better gun control?? we had a break-in 2 houses away from us so my husband is getting a gun. the process is very tedious and i was so happy about that!! i thought perhaps drones would help during outdoor events. the hubs and i have been watching the news during this very volatile time, so we can keep up to date!!

  8. Of course we need better gun control... you would think everyone wants that. No one wants to take everyone's guns away... just better control over their availability. But for some reason, this seems difficult to achieve.


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