
Sunday, March 23, 2025

Do what you can...

This is where I'm at today... always told myself, "just tiny steps", or "just one step at a time".  Slow, perhaps, but still gets you there... eventually.

So far this morning I made DH and I pancakes for breakfast, cleaned the breakfast dishes, washed a load,  checked blogs, swept the kitchen floor, and mopped 'half' of it... will go back and finish in a minute. Needed a short break.

I've taken out a pork loin roast for supper... and will put it in the oven as soon as it defrosts. Still have a little of the chicken, broccoli, and bacon quiche I made for supper last night... but probably not enough.

To keep my mind off 'things' (recent death and my Oncologist appointment tomorrow), I started sketching again.  Finished 2 and started a third. Once this 3rd one is finished, I will do my best to water-color them - not my best skill (but I do love that translucent look of water-color). 

Here's what the first 2 look like: 

The sea gull sketch is mostly water-coloring the sky, water, and sand... so not much to see. Sketching, water-coloring, or writing takes me into another zone... time passes and worried thoughts don't enter (for a period of time).

Also we had the tree that had fallen across our back fence and yard during the last storm - cut up, taken away, and the fence repaired
Pics here:

huge tree fell across fence and covered most of yard

tree removed and fence repaired

And that's about it. I'd better get back to mopping the other half of the kitchen floor. 

Thanks for reading this far. Saw this funny little duck meme and wanted to share it. 

Sure would like a brand new (better) ending to this year's fiasco...

Hugs (virtual), 


  1. I am sorry (so very sorry) for your recent troubles. Love the philosophy of doing what you can - and from my perspective you have done well today.
    Good luck at the oncologist.

  2. Amen, Rian. I can't draw worth beans, but I sure can enjoy the efforts of others, like you. And let's make a better ending to this year's difficulties, shall we? :-)

    1. DJan, I love to draw... but have only done it 'off and on' for years. Should have worked harder at it. But it does give me pleasure to play around with it... and definitely takes your mind off of other things.

  3. The tree removal & fence repair looks great, and dinner sounds wonderful. Rian, your "little steps for now" logic sounds just right. I've been thinking a lot about you the last several days, I'm sure I'm not the only one. It's good to hear from you, and you sound like you're doing the best you can.

    1. Dug, the tree removal and fence repair was done pretty quickly - which was great as with the fence down, coyotes could easily get into the yard. Some can jump the fence, but most don't... and they are a danger to the ferals that find the yard a sanctuary. As for the rest, kids call daily, but we will all get together soon for a private memorial.

    2. I neglected to say anything about your wonderful artwork Rian, you're very talented!

  4. I like your watercolours, especially the first. 🙃

    Best of luck with the appointment tomorrow, Rian. 💕🙏

    1. Kim, the first pictures on the easel are not mine... they are the ones I'm trying to sketch. Then I will see if I can water-color them close to what the originals are.
      And as for the appointment tomorrow, thanks. We shall see what the Oncologist sa;ys after this last catscan...

  5. Oh goodness, I missed your last post and want to say how very sorry I am to hear of your grandson's death. Not knowing the details and the reason for the delay in notification to his father just add to the sadness and concern.

    Little steps are the best way to go. Keep moving to avoid getting stuck in place. I love your watercolors, they look pretty professional to me. I can imagine how taking the time to do them would help divert your mind from worries.

    Good luck with your appointment tomorrow. I am hoping for good news for you.

    1. Thanks, Victoria. I can take the little steps. But don't get the wrong idea, 'the watercolor pics on the easel' were not done by me. I'm doing the sketches below... trying to copy them and watercolor them as close as possible to the originals. And yes, they take my mind off of 'other things'.

  6. I've missed reading blogs for a few days, but do hope that your plans for doing work that takes your attention and is somewhat meditative sound very sane. They are both projects that you can accomplish well, I'm sure. Thinking of your Dr. visit and hoping all that's been tested can be treated.

    1. Thanks, Barbara. I'm enjoying the sketching. As for the Dr. visit tomorrow. He should have studied the cat scan and should be able to tell me what he thinks best to do.

  7. Unbeknownst to me, doing what I can has become my go to. Your watercolors will be lovely.

    1. Joanne, your 'go to' seems to have worked out well. As for the water-coloring, I can only give it my best shot.

  8. The drawings are wonderful. I'm glad you're finding a diversion to keep your mind off the worst of things.
    One step at a time often leads to many steps. Once we get going, we keep doing it. Take care and all the best at your appointment today.

    1. Thanks, Mae. Drawing is definitely a diversion...


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