
Monday, June 29, 2015

images that tell a story...

One of the reasons I love fiction:

Look at these images:

I love this cottage...

and this cottage garden...

and this window looking out...

Don't these 3 pictures summon up a story in your head?   If I wasn't in the middle of another one right now, I would find my mind wondering into this place... imagining the characters...  and there would have to be cats... yes, definitely cats (or maybe kittens)! And possibly a fat white pony??

I know there are people out there who only read non-fiction, but I find this so hard to comprehend. I read non-fiction on occasion, but truth be told, most non-fiction is a bit depressing. Yes, many times the main character overcomes Herculean obstacles and is admired, but it's still depressing (although possibly uplifting at the end)

Whereas fiction makes use of the imagination and brings one into a world that he or she would love to be in...  to share... to enjoy. I love fiction!

country kittens?  These would do...

And what do you think about one of these ponies?

which pony do you think fits the bill?

(I took most of these pics off of Pinterest. This site gives me wonderful ideas... for all kinds of things.)


OK, it's Sunday noon and I've spent the morning cleaning out the refrigerator. It really wasn't bad at all, but since we'll be having company in the next 2 weeks, I thought it a good idea to get it done. I also cleaned out the pantry, but our pantry isn't large so it didn't take too long. Now I'm taking a short break before starting on my office desk. It tends to pile up quickly.

Does anyone else get so much junk mail that it takes a whole morning or afternoon to sit down and go through it?  I try to do this once a week... sometimes more... but never seem to be able to keep up with it.

While I work, my kitties are taking the day off... (actually I think they take every day off...)

Tux cuddling with Aoife's bear

Julie saying.... "what?"

Oh, and one other thing... the new box turtle that showed up last week came by again. I took the opportunity to mark him with a red x, so we would know the next time that he's been here before (he makes about 5 that I've marked so far that return to our yard).

Have a great week!


  1. Love the very first picture--the dramatic moment one says NO.

  2. My husband signed up for some kind of stop the junk mail/catalogs list several years ago. Now with online billing, I rarely get any mail at all, but I don't spend time with what I do get for junk. I rip it open and toss it in the recycle bin, usually on the way back from my mail box.

    1. I think we signed up for that too... but I'm not sure it worked for us. We still get a lot of junk mail. I kind of like the catalogs at Christmas. DH brings the mail in and leaves it all on the counter. I pick out the important ones (very few these days) and pile the others in a corner to go through later.

  3. I do love your Pinterest pictures. The cottage pictures especially. My junk mail doesn't even make it into the house, as I throw it immediately into the recycle bin that is picked up by the garbage collectors weekly. :-)

    1. Aren't they wonderful? And they conjure up all kinds of wistful thoughts...

  4. I just remembered that I had thought about marking our box turtles this year and have not! We get all sizes and stumpy is the only one we recognize.

    1. Hi Tabor, I marked another one this morning. This one looks like another male about the same size, but had no previous markings.


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