
Saturday, May 30, 2020

I awoke with a headache...

sometimes I do...

Wednesday night I awoke with a headache. This isn't all that unusual as it happens on occasion... but this one just wouldn't go away and I ended up taking a Tylenol and using my ice-headband that I use for migraines.

It seems like I've always had migraines - started when I was pregnant with my 2nd child at 23. Figured they were hormone related at that time. Later I wondered if they were caused by a fall on my head from a horse when I was about 9. (BTW, I've fallen several times since, but never again on my head). 

And then sometimes I wonder if it has anything to do with sleep apnea. I do find that many times I awaken in the night with my heart beating fast and I can't catch my breath. But by doing the slow breathing technique (breathe in through nose, count to 5, hold breath to count of 10+, then breath out through mouth), my heart rate returns to normal. One day I should check it out.  

With age, my full blown migraines have developed into ocular migraines  - usually only affecting my vision with the jagged light aura, but luckily no pain (or some soreness or slight headache,but nothing like they used to be). These come a few a month, but don't last longer than 15- 20 mins. However, they do affect my sight and come on suddenly - so, because of them, I don't drive on Highways anymore.

Then... there's the weather. We had overcasts stormy weather this whole week. Some think the changes in the barometric pressure play a part in headaches.  I've never read any scientific research on this, but I imagine there could be something to it., I didn't think "I awoke with a headache" would lead to a a total post. But maybe some of you out there experience headaches and also wonder what causes them.  I do know some of the 'triggers', but apparently not all.

Anyway, since I've obviously devoted a whole post to headaches, I will ask if anyone else out there suffers with this? And if so, would you like to share what works for you?

Thanks (as always) for coming by. I spent the morning learning to Zoom with 6 others in my pottery group.  We are all 'older' and talked about all the things we were learning during this pandemic... like Skyping, Zooming, ordering online, some still working - but learning to work from home, etc. And we all wonder how long this 'situation' was going to last... with the general census of opinion being "for a while".  

So when I saw this poster on Pinterest, I thought it said it all:


Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Keeping busy...

Apple Pear Pecan coffee cake

We received a basket of fruit recently with apples, pears, oranges,  cheese, nuts, and crackers. Now we eat fruit, but not a lot... so I thought I'd use it up by making an apple and pear coffee cake. Found a great recipe for one and made it memorial day. Turned out really good!

Hope all of you had a nice memorial day. Ours was quiet as we are still staying home... and intend to continue to do so for a while.


I'm continuing to make the cone-shaped masks.  They are a lot more comfortable than the others, but I still haven't figured out how to add a filter to these...


Funny story:  

DH and I just came back from getting our groceries at curb-side pickup. Central Market does a great job with this... fast service and helpers are masked and practice social distancing. And they are almost always good about getting our orders right (maybe a few subsitutions or not availables). Anyhow, once home and putting things away (after disinfecting) I realized that we had a lot more potatoes than I'd ordered. There's only the 3 of us, so I only ordered .5 lbs of small red potatoes (thinking this was probably about 4 small ones to add to a roast). But I got 5 lbs of potatoes!

Not knowing what I was going to do with 5 lbs of potatoes, I called to let CM know about the mistake... not planning to return anything... just to let them know. I'd do 'something' with them. But the girl I spoke to laughed and said for us to share them with our neighbors and she would credit us for the mistake.  Thought that was nice of her and we ended up giving half of the order to our neighbors next door! 


Finished the crochet baby blanket I was working on. 

Now I've started another. Was following a pattern that I thought was using a simple single and double crochet... but realized later that it was supposed to be  a double treble (dtr). Since I've already done several rows (and kind of like the looks of the pattern created) decided to stick with it. 

This is what the pattern I'm mistakingly using looks like:

... and so life goes on during this strange time, talking, texting, Skyping, and I will be using Zoom for the first time this coming Saturday. The women from my pottery class decided to do this. We had been texting for a bit, but someone suggested using Zoom. 

One last thing to mention here. Perhaps it's age-related, but I'm not sure. Have you ever found something that you always kept in one place missing?  Looked all over for it, gave up... and then one day (or possibly weeks later) it shows up right where it was supposed to be in the first place?

I have had this happen on several occasions. I call it the 'mystery disappearances'...  just wondering if this happens to anyone else.

Ok... I'm late getting this post out. But hope you all had a good Memorial weekend, stay home and stay safe!


Sunday, May 24, 2020

a day off from Covid...

Our son sends us pics and videos of the surf right there by their house in Oahu, Hawaii.  I love the sight and sound of the surf, so I thought I'd share them with you. (Please let me know if the video works. I had a little trouble getting it posted)

taken on the lava beach in Oahu last week

He likes to go there with his coffee and watch the sun rise and/or sun set...   (I got to do it once last August and it was truly wonderful)


backyard squirrel

And this is the little fat squirrel that drives the feral cats crazy in our back yard. He teases them relentlessly.  He'll sit on the branch overlooking their food dish and flip that tail over and over. He's either a brave little guy or not too bright. 

Sammy will follow that squirrel right up the tree... 

and this little fellow visits a lot!


OK, I guess that's it for today. I hope all of you 
have a happy safe 
'stay at home' 
Memorial Weekend!


Ghost's happy face

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

the 2020 graduate dilemma... plus

Save the Date for grand daughter's graduation - now postponed

I'm thinking about the 2020 graduates today.  Our grand daughter is one of them and its still up in the air whether or not there will be a graduation ceremony. At first we didn't think so ... but now, they're setting the date for early June.  

Personally, I'm not sure this is a good idea, but then no one asked me. I'm just a worried grandma. Yes, they will probably wear masks and do social distancing. More than likely, they will disinfect everything and limit numbers.  But these are teenagers who will get swept up in the moment and all caution will be forgotten. I'm sorry, but to me a celebration isn't worth the risk of even one child's life. 

We won't be attending. This is partially due to the fact that we're not traveling these days (it's a 5 hour drive), but also because DH has just finished his radiation treatment... and his immune system may not be up to par. Grand daughter understands this. We already sent her a graduation letter and the first of a few gifts. 

I feel that all the birthdays, anniversaries, and graduation celebrations that are being missed due to the Pandemic can be revisited later this year or next.  For now caution and safety is a priority. 

But I do think the 2020 graduates of all ages will forever be remembered as the Pandemic graduates. And the college graduates will be the ones who will bear the front of the new normal in the job market. Starting out in the job hunt when unemployment is at an all time high will be a challenge. I imagine online and computer work (possibly from home) as well as more opportunities in research may be available. And how the economy survives will play a big part in their lives. 

I'm told that some high school graduates may choose to take a year off... to wait it out and see how things go. Others may go ahead with their college plans not knowing if their classes will be online or in person.  This is unknown territory...  college life (as we knew it) will probably not be the same. Only time will tell.


On another note:

I'm not a seamstress and the only sewing I ever do is a little machine quilting. But out of necessity I have been trying my hand at making facial masks for family and a few friends. 

Fabric availability is not a problem (as I have plenty that I use for quilting), but finding elastic was an issue. Everywhere was out of stock. I ended up cutting elastic off of some of DH's mowing masks at first. Then a friend offered to send me some.  

I tried several patterns - some workable, some not so much. But I finally found 2 that I could do... one with pleats and one just gathered. But for the life of me I couldn't figure out how to do the 'cone-shaped' masks. 

Then this past week our son and his wife in Hawaii sent us 3 masks in a Mother's Day card!  2 were the cone-shaped ones in 2 sizes. After examining them and doing a little more research, I finally figured it out. Here is my first attempt at making a cone mask!  


Best get back to the sewing machine and make a few more of these. Thanks so much for reading. I really do appreciate it as well as your comments. Sometimes I take my tea or coffee and sit here reading your posts or comments - and after a while, feel like we're actually visiting.



Saturday, May 16, 2020


I'm not sure that TGIF exists any longer. Nowadays one day runs into another... and only when something is planned for that day do we remember what day it is. Of course new routines are being forged.

I know what days we've scheduled curb-side pickups. And we actually look forward to these days as it's an 'outing' during these days of sheltering at home. Sundays are now days where I cook something that takes a bit more time... and possibly will last for more than one meal (this Sunday it's sour cream chicken enchiladas).

Also made garlic coleslaw and steamed cabbage with onions and bacon Saturday morning - because grandson brought home a cabbage he thought was lettuce!  I thought it was funny as he doesn't like cabbage, but since DH and I do, I decided to go ahead and use it.

The rest of the week is made up of normal chores as well as working on hobbies and crafts, making masks, texting, and Skyping with friends and/or family. If and when the sun is out (it's been raining off and on a lot lately), DH and I will walk the neighborhood.

ghost in her kitty tent

Ghost has been acting a bit strange. With no other cats around, she no longer has to check everyone's food dish to see what they might have, so she seems to be eating less. Even treats which all the cats loved, are not much of a thrill for her anymore. And the other night when I awoke in the early hours and sat with her by the Aga with a cup of tea, she actually leaned into me. She's not a lap cat, so displays of affection are few. She will sometimes lick my hand.

OH... we did have a bit of excitement around here Friday evening. Our next door neighbor called to say that they heard screaming and saw a white van stopped and a young girl thrown into it.  They know we have security cameras and were wondering if the cameras picked up anything. DH and I looked and found the van passing by several times, but not the actual act as that was a bit past it's range. But the interesting thing was that on one video the van passed by with it's back doors wide open. (?) A police officer came by the house and we sent him what pics we had. Haven't heard anything more about it today (Saturday).

If you notice, I started this post on Friday and am continuing it today (Sat). 

Hope your weekend is good... stay home and stay safe!


Tuesday, May 12, 2020

TMI - probably...

Thank you all for the kind comments about my sister in my Mother's Day post. I was actually looking for a picture of my mom to post when I came across that one. It brought me back to how I felt about her and that beautiful baby  girl when I was still a kid myself. 

She and I were almost 10 years apart. I loved that baby girl (who btw is now a pediatrician married to a neurosurgeon) like she was my own, took care of her, and watched over her until my sister moved with her husband to Mexico City.  We visited there a few times, but she did return to New Orleans eventually. In fact, she was in N.O. and pregnant with her 4th child the same time I was pregnant with my first. 

We both had baby boys that year. But I lived in Texas so we didn't see each other too often. Still the boys remained friends... her son visiting mine in Texas when he could... and us visiting family in N.O. often. 

Her son came with us when we took our kids to Disney World (around 1984/85). He was 16 at the time. He hadn't been feeling well... (low grade fever) before we left. But he and our 3 kids seemed to have a good time. 

Once back home, he was rechecked and eventually diagnosed as having Leukemia. They sent him to Seattle for a bone marrow transplant. We thought he was doing well. Our son even flew up there to visit him and came back saying he was doing fine. 

Then something happened (possibly the treatment couldn't be continued because it was affecting his heart - never knew for sure). And before we knew it, he died.

My sister (who was battling Cancer at the time) died 6 months later. 

Probably TMI here... but that picture brought it all back. So I shared.  Don't know if I will post it or not. Will decide later.

Decided 'why not share?'  I know that many go through difficult times... and get through them. People are stronger than they think they are. And these times we're living through now are stretching our limits. I heard someone say on TV this morning, "Are we trying to save lives or our lifestyle?" I thought that very well said.


Sunday, May 10, 2020

Mother's Day 2020...

Happy Mother's Day !

This is a picture of my sister with her first child taken in 1956... I was 10. My sister passed away in 1987. She was 51.
I still miss her...

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Made yeast rolls....

Yes, I finally made yeast rolls. This is not a significant accomplishment.... but it's something I've never attempted before. However, it is something I've always wanted to try (nothing exciting like climbing to the top of Mount Everest - which, btw, I have no desire to do). 

Anyway, the yeast rolls did come out fine... perfectly edible, but not as great as some I've tasted. If anyone out there has a really 'easy' but good recipe for yeast rolls, I'd love to have it. 

Thinking about other things I've wanted to do, I have always wanted to sky-dive. Almost did it once when my daughter and her friends arranged to do it on one of her birthdays a few years ago. I watched from the ground in San Antonio and could almost feel the exhilaration as they soared downward towards us. Still think about it. And I was told that at my age, I would need a doctor's OK. 

As for further adventures, I don't have a bucket list. There are some things that I would possibly like to do, but probably won't.... see the Galapagos Islands, visit the beaches of Oregon, visit possible family ancestors in England, Scotland, or Ireland.  

I would definitely like to go back to Oahu and spend more time there with my son and his wife.  The secluded lava beaches are amazing. It would be great to spend mornings watching the sun rise and evenings watching it set over the water... the sound of the waves, the fresh air - all unbelievable. 

Then - if and when this awful pandemic is ever over and if and when we ever feel comfortable traveling again, I want to go to the Hill Country and spend time with my daughter and her family.... as well as to New Orleans, Houston, and Baton Rouge to spend time with other family and friends. These are simple pleasures that are now missed.... even having dinner out with our youngest son, wife, and grand daughter here is a pleasure I miss and look forward to doing again more than ever.


If we take it one day at a time... it's do-able.

Thanks for reading my ramblings, stay home and stay safe!
Some places may be re-opening, but please don't let your guard down... not yet. 


Had to add a picture of our mint here out front. It's doing so well... if it continues to spread, we may end up with a mint lawn. Smells wonderful!

Monday, May 4, 2020

a surprise treat... and a little rant

Hawaiian Surprise!!

We received this surprise package from Oahu this week! Goodies from Hawaii... from our son and his wife. Such a great surprise! There's macadamia nuts, cookies, candy, chips, coffee, etc. We thank you! thank you! thank you! Packages are such fun to get.

I occasionally send surprise packages too... usually things I know they like - like home-made nutty granola, or espresso cookies or our family's special rum cake. But it has been a while... maybe it's time to spread a little joy.


On another note:  One of the outside ferals (we call him Sammy) has started climbing the tree in the back. This isn't unusual as lots of cats climb trees. 

But this is new for Sammy. We have never seen him up a tree. We expect he was after this squirrel that likes to pester him. Pretty sure he didn't catch him. But if you look at the 2 pics, Sammy looks guilty that we caught him in the act.


Grand daughter's idea during sheltering at home... forget lemonade stands - Let's dance!


Can't close this without leaving this next message:

Some businesses, beaches, etc.  opened this weekend... and from what we saw on TV, there was little social distancing and few masks. Can't understand it ... are people that obtuse?

This next chart is current for Texas:

(Now before someone goes all ballistic on me for not wanting to open up so soon, let me say that I can understand the need to work to pay rent and buy groceries, but it's hard to see how going out into crowds of possibly infectious people to spend a few hours having fun is worth the risk for your children or families. Yes, it gives you a few hours of emotional release - but at what price?)

Just my opinion...

As always, thanks for reading and please stay home and stay safe. 


Friday, May 1, 2020

Is it Friday May 1st already?

rabbit, rabbit!  not so white rabbit.... 

Happy First day of the month! Rabbit Rabbit! not so white rabbit!
Somehow this pic seemed more appropriate these days of worry and confusion than a cute little white rabbit...

I've been trying to post every 2 days. Yesterday got away from me again. But it shouldn't matter too much as there's not much new going on. 

Have you noticed that the days pass very fast... and the nights not so much? It's weird - as from the time I get up (around 7:30 or 8:00), fix coffee for DH and tea for myself, watch a few minutes of the news, and do a few other things - before I know it, it's 2 or 3 pm.??? This is generally the time I think of getting dressed (either that or taking a nap). Not sure why... as no one goes in or out. But my mom always told me that you should never stay in pj's all day. 

We had 2 outings this week, both to collect groceries from curb-side pick-up (as much as I'm a home-body, it is nice to get out). DH worked in the yard a bit, mowing and trimming. I baked some frosted tea cakes and am thinking about trying my hand at making yeast rolls - something I've never done.


daughter and hubby

Our daughter's 50th birthday is this Sunday... but we won't be there. Normally we try to drive down for her birthdays - and this is a big one. But we're not ready to venture out quite yet. The hill country in Texas is so beautiful in the spring.... bluebonnets everywhere! She will send pictures and I will share. They have a few acres with horses, chickens, dogs, etc.  - and 3 ponds on the property. 


These pics are our granddaughter with their Great Dane taken  last Easter when we were there. Everything was so green and the fields so full of flowers. She graduates this year and will be going off to college this fall... but with this pandemic, we're not so sure about either graduation or the fall. She's worked so hard and has done so well that having this uncertainty is hard (not just for her of course, but for all those graduating seniors).

I have to post a picture of the chickens (you know how much I like chickens)...

chickens drinking from front pond

Guess I'll close here and get back to making another mask. I read somewhere that flannel makes a better mask than cotton as it's not as porous. So I made a cat mask to send to  grand daughter. She has an adorable little cat called Gizmo.

Here's the mask:

It's Friday! (not necessarily TGIF... but still Friday) I hope you have a lovely weekend... get out and enjoy nature, try doing or making something new, or just make someone smile! 
