
Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Kittens and Crows!

I'm so excited! 

On Sunday we were surprised to find two new kittens on our back porch with their feral mom. Posting a video I captured of them. She may have more, but for now she has brought these two. They look about 6-7 weeks old.

(Remember to click on the small square on the right to enlarge video)

And that same evening (about 5 pm) we had about six crows picking up the peanuts and bread we put out for them on the front lawn. I couldn't get a good pic of them without scaring them off... but I got a few through the front room window. Tom and Jerry (our fake crows) did their job well!

This is just a short post as I needed to share these exciting events with you (I know, not so exciting to all of you - as several have mentioned "Why attract crows?") But as those of you know who follow my blog, I have a undeniable love for all critters. Some seem to fascinate me more than others (cats and crows for instance), but all need nurturing. 

Crows are smart. They learn fast. And I think they send out scouts. The funny thing is that each time they have come by - a skinny little squirrel comes with them and feeds among them... and leaves as soon as they leave (a curiousity).

Also yesterday evening DH was in the laundry room and I was in the kitchen when a crow started cawing so loud that we both jumped and said, "what in the world?" It sounded like he/she was right there in the house. We looked into the backyard, but didn't see anything. But still wonder what that was about.

Closing with a pic of some blueberry mini-muffins I made this week. They are gluten free mix by Krusteaz and very good!

Have a great week! 

Just saw this and thought I'd add it here:

...just 4 years?

Hugs (virtual),



  1. Like you I really, really like crows. And ravens. We have a family of ravens that visit regularly. The male comes down and checks out the area and when and only when he is satisfied that the coast is clear he calls the rest of the family down. I love to see them - and have a very soft spot for cats too.

    1. EC, glad to know that there are other 'crow and raven' lovers... and of course, cats too.

  2. What great videos. Mama sure knows where she is safe with her babies.
    Crows definitely are fascinating. I wonder what all the noise was about...
    Thanks for your continued prayers for our family. Its most appreciated.
    Hoping for quick progress on my hearing aids and that it will make conversation so much more easy.

    1. I too wonder what all the loud cawing was about... like to think they were letting me know that they found our place?
      As for the hearing aids mine work fine... however, sometimes they make my ears itch?


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