
Tuesday, October 1, 2024

October 1, 2024 Rabbit! Rabbit! White Rabbit!

Rabbit! Rabbit! White Rabbit!

OK, everyone! It's October 1st! Can you believe it?

Time for:
Rabbit! Rabbit! White Rabbit!

Also... just FYI

We actually got our first crow stop by this past week. A whole murder of crows flew over cawing one afternoon - and one lone bird flew down and landed close to our fake crow - and actually picked up  a peanut before flying off! I was so excited. At least now they know we put treats out for them. Hopefully they will return... 

On another note, one of our feral cats (a young one - the one that's fascinated with the box turtles) does find our fake crows interesting. She tends to knock them about on occasion... once taking one off with her to another spot. I have to tell her to quit beating up on Tom and Jerry (our fake crows names). Tom has already lost one of his wing feathers.

That's it! Happy 1st of October!!

Hugs (virtual),


  1. So funny she is beating up the crows! Rabbit Rabbit!

    1. I know, Miss Merry... she is a curious cat - follows the turtles around and probably likes having a bird that doesn't fly away when she approaches.

  2. happy october, it did come around quickly!! funny about the crows, i get them here and really don't want them!!!

    1. Most people probably don't want them... but I'm just fascinated with them. I don't want a whole murder of them... but a few would be nice.

  3. Miss Merry might be rudely surprised if she ever gets near a real crow. Linda in Kansas

    1. Actually, DM, the crows are almost as big as the young cat... and she wouldn't know what to do... unless it would let her follow it around like the box turtles do.

  4. I actually remembered to say it this morning!! Where did September go? It flew by for me. - Jenn


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