
Saturday, October 5, 2024

Just a few Saturday morning thoughts...

This made me laugh... as my daughter always asks us about our plans for the weekend.  I don't really 'hate it'... just find it funny.  Actually I love that she's concerned. We seldom have plans for the weekend - whereas as much as she probably needs the rest (busy stressful job), she usually does have plans. 

Actually they had a major occurrence this past week that shook them up rather badly. They lost their 13 year old Great Dane, Moose. He was a sweetheart and really had become an integral part of the family. Even though they knew it might be coming because of his age, the fact that there were no signs and he passed in his sleep during the night was a shock. Moose had wormed his way into all of our hearts and we will miss him.

On a brighter note, Halloween is now just around the corner... and Thanksgiving. I saw this pumpkin runner on Facebook and thought it was really nice. Love the blue colors in it. Would go well in my front room. But when I checked the reviews for the company, they weren't good. Sad. I would try to make it myself, but would never get it done in time... plus I'm not that great a quilter.

OK, I have been sketching. My 2 latest sketches:

cat in tree


crow and moon

May do a few more sketches before 'trying' to watercolor them...

Also visited a friend this week that has had a difficult time for the last few years. Happy to say that she is really looking good and feeling much better. She's also an avid reader and supplier of many of my books. This week she loaned me 5 new ones (so excited to have plenty to read). I already took home 3 from the Senior Center and so far, have liked the ones I started (The Echo of Old Books and The Painter's Daughters).

Have to post this picture of what it's like to try to read when you have inside cats (which we don't anymore but do remember).

Also a big fan of Maggie Smith who passed away recently. Found an old movie of hers on Tubi (Keeping Mum). In it she is a serial killer - can you believe? It's a comedy (I guess), but kind of a dark one. Strange, but oddly entertaining...

And I've posted this before, but it could use repeating...

My posts are not inspiring or enlightening, just a way to share a bit of my life with others. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to do this.

Hugs (virtual),


1 comment:

  1. That first meme gave me a real chuckle Rian, so well said. I sure am sorry for your daughter's Moose though, very sad. Well, today is my high school class 45th reunion and I am super bummed I can't go. Still dealing with long covid. But I will make my comeback soon I hope. Thanks for the nice read PS. What nice drawings!


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