
Friday, January 19, 2024

a forgot to mention, not a bucket list, ... and updates

our pillows don't say this... but it could be true

Back in October DH and I went on a road trip to New Orleans with his brother and wife. I may have posted about this... but what I didn't mention (or don't remember mentioning) is that while staying at a new  Hampton Inn Express in Baton Rouge, I found the perfect pillow!

Well, perfect for me that is. Everyone is different. But I've had difficulties with pillow for ages... all seem too firm or too soft... or just not comfortable. I even tried one of those contour pillows once (ended up giving it away).

But this pillow is perfect (or as near to perfect as its going to get for me). So I ended up googling Hampton Inn Express pillows and sure enough they had information on their pillows. It's through Hampton Inn Express So I sent off for one and love it!  

This pillow and the new split adjustable mattresses (which we also just bought last year) have made sleep much better for me. DH and I don't have much trouble sleeping in general. We go to bed around 9 or 10 pm and get up between 7 and 8 am. But I do have some back aches and pains due to spinal arthritis and have found that I sleep better with my head and legs raised a bit. 

Anyway, I just thought I'd share this bit of info. Reading other people's experiences helps me sometimes to try something different. Doesn't always work, but there's always the chance it might. ; )

Tandem Skydiving pic

Also someone else's blog mentioned 'bucket lists'. I don't have a bucket list, but there are some things that I've always thought I wanted to do... but still haven't gotten around to it. 

One was try sky-diving (maybe on my 80th?) and the other was fly-fishing. My daughter did a tandem skydive in 2015. I watched and wanted so much to go up then... but was told then with 'older folk' one needed a doctor's OK. And when I was growing up in New Orleans my dad and uncles had a fishing camp on Grand Isle and I loved to fish. It was relaxing and enjoyable and even though he took my brother more than me, I was the one that really liked it. DH isn't a fisherman and certainly doesn't want to sky-dive. But we'll see. 

Update 1: Guess I should mention that when I went for my hearing aid consultation and testing, she said that I had wax in my right ear, but none in my left. But when she checked my hearing, my hearing was better in the 'wax' ear (right) than the other (left).  I thought that was strange, but she said 'not really'. However, she did want me to have that taken care of before the next appointment so there would be no wax when tested next time with the hearing aids in - I think.

Update 2: On another note, DH and I went to our first Senior Center class yesterday. It was a 'weight room orientation'... where Troy showed a group of us what all the machines in the SC gym did and how to use them. We each took a turn on about 10 machines. I'm not sure how often I'll use more than the stationary bikes and the tread mill. To be honest, I prefer to just walk the walking area... takes 16 times around the building (inside) for one mile. 

And just a FYI: DH and I have our 56th Wedding Anniversary coming up this Saturday! We don't have any special plans, but will probably go out to dinner one night this week. 

Again... thanks for reading. I do appreciate you letting me share. I've always journaled, etc. and find it helps to get my thoughts out - however, mundane, crazy, or silly they might be. So thanks for accommodating me in this endeavor.

Hugs (virtual),



  1. Many, many years ago (I was a teenager) the mother of a friend was complaining how hard it was to find a good pillow. I mentally sneered. A pillow is a pillow I thought to myself. I have mentally apologised to her many, many times since then. I am glad you have found the perfect pillow for you.
    I hope you can go sky diving - and fly fishing.
    And congratulations on your forthcoming anniversary.

    1. Thanks, EC. I'm not sure a pillow was important to me in my younger years either...

  2. Skydiving, no thanks. I don't really enjoy flying so I can't imagine jumping out of a plane. :) I do go to the gym once a week with my daughter though, Friday mornings from 9 until midday seniors can go free. And the treadmill does me - not very adventurous am I?
    Happy anniversary, enjoy your meal out.
    Happy aniversary

    1. Diana, I've never considered myself adventurous either... but I do love flying (not that I'm not anxious at take-offs and landings) but the mere fact that I'm flying I find amazing. And I see birds (like seagulls and hawks) gliding on the wind and I would like to know what that feels like.

  3. I have 14 non-tandem skydiving jumps to my name, when I was MUCH younger. Do a tandem jump and enjoy the quiet up in the sky. Might want to put a headband around your hearing aids and/or leave them off. Linda in Kansas

    1. That's wonderful, Linda... and of course it would have to be a tandem jump... and I imagine I wouldn't wear my hearing aids to jump. Someone said they found it hard to breathe on the free fall with all the air rushing. Is that a concern?

  4. Happy Anniversary! Anymore it seems we have been married longer than we are old, LOL. And the pillow sounds intriguing.

    1. Thanks, Miss Merry. I accept that I'm old... and despite the inconveniences, grateful to be here.

  5. Happy Anniversary!
    I understand about the pillows and getting the right one. I am still on that quest.

    1. Olga, I'm so happy to have found one that works well for me... and found it when I wasn't looking.

  6. Rian that is great news about the pillow (I may check that site out) and wow, Happy Anniversary! 56 years is incredible! I remember the pictures you once shared with us from your big day, you were certainly a young bride. :^)

    1. Thanks, Dug! I'm not sure that 22 was young back then, but times were different and we were excited to be graduating and getting on with our lives. We did have hopes of going to Australia to work (that didn't happen). Life did.

  7. pillows...i totally get it, it is a battle for me as well!!! i want to go sky diving but the hubs is not on board. maybe i will go alone but we don't usually do things like that unless we both do it!!

    happy anniversary to you 2 kids, eat at your favorite restaurant and maybe see a movie. there aren't too many things you can do in this winter cold!!

    1. No, DH is not on board with the sky diving either. And we do plan to eat at a favorite restaurant one day next week... As for movies, not any out that I care to see. We did watch The Legend of Tarzan yesterday on Netflix. It was pretty good... definitely better than some of the other Tarzan movies.

  8. When I was a skydiving instructor, I remember students asking me if it was hard to breathe with all that air rushing by. Some people might have a problem, but the vast majority do not. I don't know why that would be.

    1. Glad to hear that, DJan. Someone commented on it being hard to breathe in free fall... and I thought, well... you can't be in free fall for very long - so probably doesn't matter.

  9. I've always been amazed at DJan's skydiving. She's written quite a bit about it. She's very brave. Congratulations on 56 years. They go by so quickly, don't they? I'm still looking for the perfect pillow.

    1. Yes, Kay, I'm in awe of DJan's skydiving also. She is very brave... and has some wonderful memories. And as for the 56 years, yes, they seem to have flown by.

  10. Happy Anniversary and congratulations on staying the years. I have tried to change my exercise routines as I was told that I would be plateauing if not careful.

    1. Thanks, Tabor. Yes, Troy mentioned that you need to add to your exercise routines for it to do good... like increase the number as times go on, walk a little faster, etc.


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