I wanted to post something to mark the end of the year 2024... but not sure what to say.
When I'm starting this (Sunday) I still haven't gotten the results of my tests. In one respect, I take that as good... no news is good news. In another, it is the holidays and doctors as well are busy with their own families. But in truth, it doesn't matter too much - for as far as I'm concerned life will go on as usual... until it doesn't, right?
The pandemic changed a lot of things... some good, some not... and in some respects, it continues to change things.
The widening of the division between our country's 2 major parties and the recent election has changed things.
Climate change (whether you believe it or not) is changing things.
I guess what I'm trying to communicate here is that I'm entering 2025 guardedly? Cautiously? Not sure what to expect. I know they say to not dwell on the past, not worry about the future... just live in the present. Easy to say, not so easy to do. But I'm trying. How about you?
Change has always been around. I was born in the summer of 1945 and yes, many of us have witnessed many many changes over the last 80 plus years. But these days (I guess because of technology) the changes seem to be happening expeditiously (is that the right word?). I wonder if they're happening faster than we can keep up?
There's a book out that Bill Gates recommended called "The Coming Wave" by Mustafa Suleyman that I read a sample of and bought the book for DH. It talks about AI (it's benefits and risks). It's a warning about the risks that fast-developing technologies pose...
So possibly more smart-minded people feel this uncertainly. And it's not just us 'aged out older ones' that feel this inability to keep up (although we try). So many things that have real potential to make this a better world - are hard to control.
I'm a big believer in Science and I want all this research to continue... (stem cell research, cloning, AI, space travel, the Internet, etc.) But we've never been able to have complete control over these things. We've never even been able to have regulations that adequately control guns or immigration. IMO none of these things are bad, they just need to be regulated more efficiently.
But eventually all this uncertainty will fall into younger hands. Since this younger generation has been born into this technological world, perhaps they will be more knowledgeable as to how to control it. I sure hope so.
So I'm going into 2025 with hope... hope that we will weather the next few years well and that the younger generation will eventually take over the reins with confidence and the desire to keep our country united and strong.
Merry Christmas and Happy 2025 to Everyone!
Hugs (virtual),
(And don't forget 'Rabbit Rabbit White Rabbit' on January 1st!)